Judastongue - Trashman (Sam Griffith and Alex LeGolvan, dirs)
JUDASTONGUE//trashman from Sam Griffith on Vimeo.
This video marries subtle high-speed photography with a creep-show conceptual art-inspired concept for a hip hop instrumental track. Enjoy!
Lots of interviews that might be of interest, and other posts:
Music : Chateau Marmont "A.T.T.Y.S (feat. Twinsmatic)"
BROOKLYN from Sebastien Desmedt on Vimeo.
Oswando Jazz Quartet - Miss Rosa Parks (Directed by Romain Wagner)
Based on the story of Rosa Parks and its historical context , the desire was to tell the adventures of a character who lives in a world where there is a form of segregation . Just as the text of the song, which seeks to put some form of distance with the use of a light and humorous tone , the clip tells the unfortunate story of the main character so shift .
Director's website: romainwagner.com