Interpol - Evil
Charlie White's photography is fascinating -

However, as for his video for Interpol's (great song) Evil, well I'm just not sure...
I have some issues with interpol's music videos.
so far, it's been five videos. none of them does the music any justice, except for PDA, directed by christopher mills. this one is no different.
I'm not familiar with charlie white's work, what else has he done?
adam, i love your webpage. i like the little touches, like how the foreground is in front of the cursor.
as far as i know this is his first video. his photos hint at larger stories, and are pretty evocative little moments. but this clip seems to lack what is good (or at worst, memorable) about his stills.
and why does the puppet dance at the end? why?
i have been a fan of charlie white's work (what little bit there is, sadly) for some time now and i have to say
that's one freaky muppet
it bored me quite a bit...and yes the dance at the end was pretty lame.
Having worked with charlie on this video I can tell you this: You can't second guess an artist and his art. If you don't get it you just don't get it. That's all. Leno or Letterman. Who are you?
The video for tiger lou that had the same scheme ( accident, hospital...) was more effective IMO. Happy new year to all.
The video ruined the song for me a bit. They could've just had some silly light effects and Carlos D hitting on fat chicks and I'd like that better.
Ok, I like Charlie White's work...but I really dislike this vid. It's not that I don't get it...I think I do. I just get really turned off by it. Perhaps there is some incredible idea that was discussed by Interpol and Charlie W. that will somehow enlighten me. But I don't think it matters at this point. In my view, This vid has two things going for it: The first ten seconds of the video where I was excited to see something that looked potentially awesome...and the very lifelike puppet/human head animation. But unfortunately, nothing else all...I feel the puppet concept was wasted. It has sort of ruined the song for me as well. I think Charlie White has the potential to turn out some great filmmaking but this isn't it.
I totally like this video, especially after being bored by the last 2. Makes me like the song more if anything.
Of course the puppet is not totally lifelike. That is the point of having a puppet. Being worked on by doctors makes me feel not unlike an awkward pile of plastic and parts. I also assume the dance is ment to seem desparate and flailing.
Hahaha... looks like i'm the only one who likes the video. No I really mean it. The muppet has something creepy, especially at the end of the video where he starts to dance. Even I don't know what the meaning of that dance is, but I like it. Really fits the music too.
I have to say, I absolutely love this video. I recall seeing it on television in the early hours of the morning when i was quite drunk and stoned. It was amazing! My eyes were fixed. It left a haunting yet excitable feeling. Superb. I have since then searched the world wide web to find somewhere that plays this video without stopping every 2 seconds while it's 'buffering'. I have absolutely fell in love with this song and if anything, the video added to it. It sends shivers down my spine and had it not have been for this amazing piece of art work, it may never have caught my attention. Possibly the best video there's going to be this year. I hope they keep up the good work.
sjatrow couldn't have put it any better; this video was awe-inspiring. I can't imagine any other video put to this song than what it is: a sad, ignored, melancholy puppet of a man - barely alive after his loss of Rosemary ("...heaven restores you in life..."). His whole existence seems helpless and awkward as he's shuffled from one place to another, to finally be left alone in the operating room. I love the "weird dance" that everyone seems to have a problem with; his expression turns from sadness and confusion to frustration as he flails helplessly and gracelessly, to then sit and slunk over in despair as the lights fade out. This is by far one of the best music videos I've seen; my hat goes off to Charlie White and his superb ability to create a visual mood for a great song.
Here you go, mr. sjatrow.
I still don't get this video, meh.
it's Miss sjatrow, thanks matey!
horrible. horrible. horrible. does the song no justice at all. predictable and boring. manages to send me into a slight rage of frustration because i really like the song. booooooooo.
best video you've ever seen? how long were you comatose for?
and oh up there...drunk and stoned...hmmmmmmmmmn?
hey guys, if you rub your eyes really really hard you see stars!!!! wooooah...
ok i'll stop.