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Showbread - Mouth like a magazine

tagged showbread

i thought this was a clever use of the frame. the yelling singer needs to go, but i thought this was a worthwhile look at multiple movies within the canvas.

lusk81, December 30, 2004 at 3:17:23 AM CET

PABLO: The term for "Multiple Movies within the canvas" is actually MULTICHANNEL. I agree completely to your thoughts about the singer/music, but feel like this promo is pretty stock in its exploration of the multichannel technique. At best we get frames animating a spinning drum. But even this falls away when it climaxes with a drum spinning in stop motion like effect in the middle of the frame. They just missed/ruined the gimmick. Imagine multichannel used to suggest camera movement within the boundaries of our image (this is exactly what the spinning drum frames do). Now why segue into stop motion matrix spin? This suggests that the multichannel cam move was not that at all, but instead a cheap time splice trick. Again, they missed the potential of the gimmick.

I still feel like some of the best multichannel promo/commercial work tends to be the ones that take cues from cubism (think Vogel) and not other multichannel pieces. It's an approach that (for whatever it's worth) is truly unexplored.

pablokorona, December 30, 2004 at 5:34:01 AM CET

i thank you for the education. Please, when you can throw the correct term into post, do.

I think the best multichannel work is in the movie Woodstock.

this promo is pretty stock, yes, but its not a horrible example of the technique and worth a scroll through. Much better than the over immitated Stylewar promo for Franz.

sr, December 30, 2004 at 5:36:29 PM CET

embarrasing hives rip-off.

vomitparty, December 31, 2004 at 1:35:21 AM CET

this jesus band used to play a town i used to live in all the time. i hate them. who ever directed the video loves gondry way too much

puddle_berry, January 3, 2005 at 5:56:18 AM CET

I like it. Ignorance is bliss perhaps.

mate, January 3, 2005 at 9:38:46 AM CET

I like it. It´s funnier to watch than a "normal" performace video. Speaking of terms, this is also refered to as Splitscreen, Also see

killakillafornia, January 31, 2005 at 11:28:31 AM CET

also, this video is just gimmicks and cliches. the hives, the gondry, the music (even tough i admit the dual lead singers is cool). the editing has no anima (life, not lame ass cartoons) to it. the song leads the video not the video. lame!!!! give me a professional camera and a budget seriously!!!! jake

rtrbtn, February 3, 2005 at 8:29:46 PM CET

hey hey this video is ok but i agree that it could and should be better, this band is awsome and i think that (yelling singer) is a must be!Check their album its great wouldnt mind seeing some more.

badassash247, July 3, 2005 at 7:51:44 AM CEST

The screaming is what makes the band. First of all, they are screamo and second, it makes it interesting.


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