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Rewind (DIR: Mark Adcock)

nie warto sie chyba duzo rozpisywac nad tym. jak komus sie podoba to luz

bbanski, January 14, 2005 at 2:24:36 PM CET

lusk81, January 14, 2005 at 4:36:26 PM CET

The girl is incredible but I feel like the video needed to riff on itself more in order to be an amazing promo. Ideally we need something more to happen (the stick/bo is good, but too little too late) - or even something beyond our expectations, maybe some kind of odd nonsequitor...especially when considering how odd our environ is to begin with.

I like the one shot approach, but again, this could've been more than just a redundant karate training video.

binkystick, January 14, 2005 at 8:07:28 PM CET

This video's pretty old by this point.

Lusk, I don't think this video "needs something more". The fluid camera and the amazing performance is captivating enough. I think it works well with the track and I would always watch it whenever I caught it on M2. We're both entitled to our opinions, obviously, but you sound like a grumpy old man. What videos DO you like?

ai, January 14, 2005 at 9:27:07 PM CET

If she could only smash faxes, telephones and fat asses from the office, that would be funny IMO. Oh and you can lusk in the list too. Lol.

lusk81, January 14, 2005 at 9:49:46 PM CET

BINKY: I understand your dislike for me/my opinions. That's fine.

The 'more' that I'm always asking for is more or less an intention or an approach. I find most music videos very stale and tasteless - thoughtless even. My background is documentary and narrative film and thus my lens will always be from that world while perusing. Post wise I've been working more and more in the commercial industry and it's exposing me more to this other side....

For me, there's nothing "captivating" about this video. Ninja girl kicking around a strangely lit box is moving toward something -- but what really?

It needs more. It has the potential to build into something really amazing but doesn't take on said opportunity. If the creators approached this more with an intention, maybe even something in mind, this promo would be more than just "fluid camera and amazing performance".

binkystick, January 15, 2005 at 12:20:32 AM CET

"I find most music videos very stale and tasteless - thoughtless even."

That's a very telling statement. So why do you come to this site? To belittle and degrade a person's work?

I understand your desire to see the full potential of a director's vision. We all do. And it's great that you come from a different background from most and can give a fresh perspective. But I just don't get why you feel the need to come to this site and pick apart someone's work and act like some important critic of music videos when you don't even LIKE music videos.

Just trying to understand, is all.

lusk81, January 15, 2005 at 6:57:04 AM CET

Growing up I was exposed and enlightened (like most of us) by the explosion of form that is the basis of all music videos. Call me crazy but I would argue that there has been some truly extraordinary work. So good that even the art world noticed (remember, MoMA has certain vids now in their permanent collection). Now for better or worse, I still do/will have my eye on a world that inspired me as a youth.

Binky put your teeth back in your mouth. It's childish. You seem to be such a gaurd dog over this site and my "attempts to crush those [who] make it through the battle, the hardships, the blood, the sweat, and the tears of actually producing a music video." Relax.

binkystick, January 16, 2005 at 7:27:44 PM CET

Perhaps you're right. Do whatever you want. Just remember that you are NOT the superior to everyone on this site.

mgp, January 19, 2005 at 6:42:13 PM CET

So waht if the camera moves. It bears NO relation to her movement or the music. The set's terrible. The lighting's terrible. The coup seems to be that they got their hands on a crane for the camera. That's it. Her moves bear NO relation to the music.

Binky I think you should start demanding more from music videos. You're too easily satisfied.

It's a shame because I loved the song.

lusk81, January 19, 2005 at 8:17:48 PM CET

I second that opinion.

jacobw, January 21, 2005 at 4:19:12 PM CET

Agree with Lusk, and, to some degree, with MGP on this one (although I actually think the video is a little better than MGP thinks)

I also agree with lusk that most music videos are crap. That's no slam on music videos--as Theodore Sturgeon once said, 90% of everything is crap. Novels, movies, videos, haiku--they're all 90% crap. It's hard to make something good, and that's why it's worth admiring the good stuff and thinking about how the not-so-good stuff could be better. I have tremendous respect for the makers of this video for trying something different, but in this particular case, they didn't succeed. So they'll try again, and maybe their next effort will be more successful.

bertoneski, July 22, 2005 at 10:05:24 PM CEST

Ever wondered why as you say "90% of videos are crap? Try getting one made and meet the commissioners at the record companies.

PS the maker of this video is Mark Adcock who's work can be found at

A genuinely talented video maker


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