Jack Johnson

kudos to mograph for the link.
wow a backwards video what will they think of next
I thought of that ages ago!!!
I like backwards videos.
There's always room for the occasional one in my book.
this one was fun.
heres the quicktime:
Jonze's Pharcyde video. Now that's great backwardness.
lusk can't remember anything like that. Was that on jonze's dvd? Did you mean ex-pharcyde dressed as a clown?
no, the drop video it starts out with the mark gonzales painting on the glass. a beastie boy cameo as well. where they walk through the streets. the ex pharcyde, is fatlip, for his song whats up fatlip
Saying "Wow,a backwards video" is like saying "Wow, a video using a tracking shot" or "Wow, a video shot on DV" or "Wow, a video using After Effects." It's not the techniques you use; it's how you use them. In this case, it's used to very enjoyable effect.
Thanks for posting this one.
I quite enjoyed this! Good energy to it.
Ai, if you have Jonze's dvd, I'm sure you don't need a link to a crappy streaming version, but here's one anyway www.res.com
Thks langdonallger you saved my lazy bum.
nup sorry.. boring like his music.