Kelly Osbourne "One Word"

okay I know, Kelly Osbourne sucks. But.....
she's doing Kylie Minogue-ish synth pop.
it's directed by Chris Applebaum and is apparently based on Godard's Alphaville
partizan has no website so it's interesting to see (hidden?) work posted.
Not mindblowing, but I always gotta give respect to directors who can come up with interesting videos for lame artists (Chris Milk's Courtney Love video comes to mind).
the tune's a blatant rip-off of visage's ancient hit fade to grey (memorable vid back in the day) credit to applebaum for above average imagery for such drivel; plus managing not to glamourise the singer, also not the easiest feat...
all in all, it comes across like a really tame version of andrea giacobbe's videos.
I didn't know Kelly Osbourne and Alison from the Kills were the same person.
You know I'm gonna buck the trend here and say that i really dig the song. I think it has classic dance track elements written all over it. Now as far as the video goes, there is more to be desired. The image of the vulture (i believe) with the spit dripping from it's beak is hotness.
Is there another link?