USELESS / Dir. Wouter Stoter & Dennis Kleyn
This is a video we did in 2004. I'd like to know what you antville visitors think about it.

Big thanks to happyship btw.
Rad. Super depressing but imaginative.
Impressive! It's got a great look and the pacing is perfect. How long did it take to do?
all-in-all about 2 months, cause we did everything ourselves A long time, but it felt great doing it.
Great stuff! Kind of reminded me of a short I saw at RES 2004 -- The Man Without A Head or something like that. It had that idea crossed with that Royksopp video for "Remind Me" by H5. Very impressive!
(BTW, That Royksopp video is at the RSA Films website at H5, the animation collective who did the video, is under Black Dog films in the Director's section. Go to spot index to watch their stuff)