My Chemical Romance - Helena

My Chemical Romance: Helena (2005) Keeping it funereal, gloomy New Jersey punk-popsters My Chemical Romance bury their dead in wildly exuberant style.
View it hereIt's great to see Google Video Player is advertising such key features as....
- Won't interfere with other video players on your system
How we'll chuckle as we reinstall our OS. C'mon, how 'bout a Quicktime?
and cut the lyrics, you can put them in a comment and save us the scrolling
why even post the lyrics at all?
yeah whats the point, its not as if they are good lyrics anyway.
i love this video. it's always fun to watch even though i have seen it repeatedly for a few months. also, i think it's the only song on their album worth listening to.
you must have a very simple mind if you can watch this over and over again! worthless tripe
Why on earth are Google trying to foist another bleedin' video player on us? I'm not going to see this video because I can't be bothered to download another player. The lyrics are funny though: anything that starts with "Long Ago...." has got to be a clunker. Tripe, indeed.
google's video player (pc-only, for the moment) is a modified version of vlc, which is a very useful open-source tool - my mac couldn't live without it. (dvd jon has modded google's player to let it play non-google videos. do a google search (hehe) to find it.)
posting lyrics? why?
maybe sum people want to see the lyrics. and it is a gud song and a gud video, like the rest of their songs.
why would people want to see the lyrics on a music video site? If they did i'm sure they could find them easy enough somewhere else!
fav lyrics site: what others?
holy crap! so much make up looks like there eyes are holes and like a dance party more than a funral and the dead dancer lady wtf?!?