Kennedy - Your Mama

New Video by Joel Lava.....quite funny song...
ha ha ha. silly white boy soul disco. i hope we see an influx of ironic white soul singers crop up this year. because i am really laughing because it is so original and funny.
anyway, well made video

wow awesome effects, hot milfs, catchy song.
Amazing...simply amazing. Lavaman is quite a talent!
This video was a big hit with the crowd at RES the other night. And it was a spec piece! one of my favorite videos ever.
I thought it was kind of boring. It's just a bunch of tired old jokes and visuals people have been spoofing for nearing 30 years. The compositing was nice though. -j
yah i saw it at that res showing too....i hope its on the next dvd....
um - doesn't anybody find this offensively obvious and cheap?
why would anybody want to listen to some glib, lame hipster pretend to sing soul when they can listen to real soul music? and why would anyone want to watch a video making fun of cheesy soul film asthetics when they can watch real cheesy soul videos on vh1?
dickensian_hero, was your first post sarcastic?
White people invented soul, and then black people stole it from them.
yeah it was sarcastic. i should have used italics i guess.
anyway, if this is a look into the white soul.....god help us.
WOW!!!! i finally came out of the closet after only watching 5 sec. of this video. AMAZING!!!!