Idiot Pilot "A Day In The Life Of A Poolshark"
The two guys from the band beat eachother up.

Directed by Shafei and Levitz.
The fighting in this vid was terrible. The fight had no arc it basically consisted of two emo boys rolling around on top of each other in the street. It felt like any second they were going to start making out and fucking. Secondly the video ends with one guy riding the other until he is spent and rolls over next to his buddy breathing hard and deep in thought.....hmmm. felt really gay to me. Something tells me that these artists didn't sign up for a homoerotic fight fest.
wow, i guess god does hate gays. tell me yahweh, do you think that taking two seconds to so cavalierly take a piss on something personally posted by the one of the directors (who probably put several weeks of work into this) is polite or in good taste? why does anonymity excuse people from any sort of manners on this site?
I'm gay you asshole. It's one of those situations where I'm allowed to say it and your not. Do I feel bad about harshing someones vid on here? NO! why so you think people put there video's up on this site?........Have you figured it out yet? Ok well I guess I'll have to clue you in you big fucking dummy. People post there video's here because in the real world everybody is afriad to express there true thoughts. Get it!? I was being honest. Do you think that beacuse you published you r identiy you are being brave? Thats not brave. If you published your identity and spoke you rmind that would be brave but the way I see it you are some kinda pussyfooting self rightous pretty boy who's probably had everything in life handed to him.....All I know is if my work sucks I want people to tell me so i can get fired up and improve my technique.
I like it.
people post videos here because they want a place where they can find videos. where did you get the idea that this was an armchair film school? i shouldn't engage you, but you kind of got off the issue of being courteous and just turned into a total douche nozzle. i can assure you that anyone who knows me will tell you that i am one of the least wealthy people they have met. when i'm not making videos, i'm making coffee to pay off the college education my parents couldn't afford to give me. i still maintain that you can be honest and polite at the same time. it's called tact. You wrote,"All I know is if my work sucks I want people to tell me so i can get fired up and improve my technique." That's great. maybe other people don't want the same from you. I look forward to another poorly spelled, halfcocked rebuttal from you.
hahaha! i give up. this is stupid.
me too....sorry i was being rude.
roboshop + yahweh:
yeah, it would have been better if they actually did make out.
Apparently, in Japanese Managa blood coming from the mouth signifies ejaculation. Puts a different spin on this video doesn't it? Makes it quite funny in that respect.
i thought the fight was perfectly credible most of the time (except perhaps for the strangling at the end) - good locations, nicely shot/coreographed, well edited - liked it, all round.
the homoerotic subtext is there and works. if anything, it reminded me a little too much of a sequence in jasmine dizdar's movie "beautiful people"
Despite the fact that I told myself that I wasn't going to post on here anymore ...I can't hold back. Even though the mess above has been sorted out I have to say something. The complete rudely rude "this sucks" attitude in which people like to bash work, music, and directors on here is simply a result that they can and its the internet. However it makes people not want to engage. Its truly selfish to be the asshole that gets a rise out of being a dick; especially when we know you would never do that face to face with a band or a director. And we know often that directors and bands post here.
This site can be an awesome resource to watch videos, meet people and learn. The one time I posted a video, I was able to see that I received several hundred hits to my site. Hence I know people like me come here to watch videos, but don't engage often in the string of comments because they become sophmoric and stupid often. This isn't even about offending other people, which would be nice to consider . I have seen plenty of work on here that I definitely am not I feel the need to comment on why it blows???
So that the site can be used for what it was intended, I'm thinking of adding a string where people can just go and write shit fuck cock pussy snot that video eats anal chud cake or what not. Who knows it just may be the most popular string. But the point is that essentially a rather large group of people come to the site regularly, and a small group post frequently. Of that small group there is a very opinated sector that don't add much other than juvenile commentary. Perhaps the site simply needs a moderator...wait thats a full time job LOL. So why not respect each other here a bit more.
About the above video.... Shefei & Levitz...its nice to see a simple concept executed nice. However I have to admit watching emo boys fight is like watching a sissy girl fight. Only I'd rather watch girls fight (but thats just me). Good work though guys and I love the Gift of Gab vid. That was fucking dope.
I'm adding a link to a video that I did not direct but posted a few pages back with a real make pretend.
Some people on here need to read a book and/or grow the fuck up. Anyhow, I really enjoyed this video for what it was, and wouldn't have changed a thing. Thank you for posting it!
well... the video really sucks so...
you enjoyed two little brats fighting? i think you should grow up a little . . . pussy.
You dumb fucks, I think the whole point of the video is that these to brats are pussys and can't fight for shit...and are you kidding me yahweh...they didn't sign up for a homoerotic fight fest? Have seen these two dudes, the homoerotic subtext is the most entertaining part of the video. It is what it is.
Of course it has flaws but on the whole i think its a pretty bold peice. Looks like these guys were taking a big piss out of the whole sex and violence rock n roll thing, and had a lot of fun doing it.
Yeah the directyor intended to make his clients look like a bunch of little faggots fight over who gets to fuck who first...WOW now that you've opened my eyes I can truly see the BOLDNESS of this vid. It's groundbreaking...I think everybody should make vids about pussys who fight like little girls!!!!!!
best thread ever.
On a positive note, these guys have one of the funnier director websites I've seen:
I'd rather see a video about pussy's who fight like girls than a video about some jocko shitheads fighting like second rate steven segals. And what's this "clients" bullshit....what are you a lawyer...and "faggots" who the fuck cares how their sexuality comes off..have you ever been in a really dirty fist fight? probably not, but you end up doing alot of man groping buddy, like it or not...all this talk is getting me all wet and sticky, we should totally meet up and neck yahweh....mhhhh..yaaawwweeeehh
I don't give a fuck who's fighting as long as it's entertaining.
ha ha look at the backlinks -
Search request: emo boys making out videos
can't argue with google.