Petra Jean Phillipson - One Day

Very nice, simple all-in-camera video(I'd guess)for one time David Holmes collaborator, Petra Jean Phillipson. Eerie and beautiful song. Don't know who directed.
Quicktime Broadband Progressive
Source Video-C
this was amazing... you were right. eerie and beautiful indeed. ironically, i just saw a friend's puppet performance on a big stage and it definitely prepared me for this one.
i "accidentally" loaded the video on two windows and the second one somehow started perfectly on the eigth bar a beat behind and my whole room rung out from the harmonies of her voice and the guitars and there was a slightly more prominent swing with the brush snare and shit!! haha! try it!
how was dat done? wires?
Beck's "e-pro" by shynola used this technique too, as did this commercial ( )and probably some other stuff probably.
hey wait! i can totally see these guys in black suits! this video is totally cheating! i want to see an artist that can actually PERFORM gravity-defying dance moves.
the puppet performance i mentioned earlier was an old style japanese drama and they had a team of puppeeters dressed in black animating complex movements with these elaborately decorated puppets. i believe this video is inspired by that.
i'm not sure what it's called or if it's a contemporary thing or not, but it was fackin awesome! really clever and sharply done. when i saw this video for the first time, i was awed all the same and then some!!!
new link for an amazing video:
Directed by James Griffiths.
KAYSER: do you know what prod company he is with? seems like he used to be with Academy, but not anymore...
Moxie Pictures. Here's a mov.