Laura Veirs - "Galaxies"

directed by Terri Timely (Joanna Newsom, The Wrens)
Click HERE
wow, this is awesome! who are these terri timely guys??? Ian Kibbey and Corey Creasey Repped by Refused.TV
Can't say I "get" this vid yet, requires more viewing. But I love the spirit of their work.. lots of artifacts, a very subtle childlike worldview of exploration and wonder. The peculiarity of human, er, behavior. Lots of magic.
A bit of the Gondry vein going on in that respect. Ian Kibbey wrote me back once and said he liked the Gondry stuff.
Their Joanna Newsom vid lit me on fire.
to answer kevathens question: I'm not sure if we were totally successful but the idea was to have the visuals represent things changing seemlessly from the micro to the macro or vice versa (the lyrics of the song deal with this). Like the tear turning into a book in the water or the when the house sinks in the ocean and then is revealed to be in a photo developing bath. Definitly gondry influenced, but we hope it's original enough.... I think the version on our site is a little better quality.... should have a few new videos up soon.
I should add: Not that Gondry owns the whole magical-world thing, he's just done really well at that.
I agree with Romanek about videos: "It drops you into a very specific, hermetically designed universe, which I think is a defining feature of a good video."
That's something you guys seem interested in, which is why I enjoy your stuff so much.
The composite transitions look great - a drop of water splashing into a book - simple but 100x more effective than 95% of the effects based videos out there.
It's nice to see something that doesn't move at a breakneck speed - I'm sure budget limitations played into that but it works well w/ the song.
It's a pretty dope album cover too. I've never heard of her but it kind of screams record store employee makes an album.
Was this shot on 24P DV?
the video was shot on 35mm but it's alway hard to tell online. As always there were budget and time limitations and somethings don't alway happen how you want them to but all in all we are happy with the video. If you like the song you should check out the rest of her album, it's really good. Plus Laura is a super nice person.
"record store employee makes an album" Haha!
She is really super talented. You can listen to lots of her stuff on her website.
Finally saw this on the TV, and now I get it, and like it a lot. I agree with the slow speed there..
Corey if you're still watching, did the ending there have a meaning? I'm still unclear on that, if there is one, or if it's just poetic license.
Sometimes you have to hit me over the head.
she's fantastic, Laura Veirs, just fell in love to her CD - nice to find the videos from CDs you fell in love to here on antville -even though after a complete breakdown, all my plug ins don't work, a nightmare ----