Tiga - You gonna want me - dir. Olivier Gondry

tigayougonnawantme.com (flash) Nice low budget video, also appearing jake shears of scissor sisters. [via dieproduzentin]
it's another 360° camera thing, but it's so sparse i like it.
oh, and: it's twist gondry's, i just saw. sure about the budget...?
not really ;-)
in real terms that shit aint cheap!
I reckon the whole thing is faked. Put the artists on a revolvinvg table. Take out frames and then use a Tinder trails spark. He's called our bluff by making it look more impressive than it really is and faking the exposure trails. I may be wrong though. Any thoughts?
that would be one major revolving table, art. (plus nicely coupled revolving overhead lights rig...)
another link: boardsmag.com
direct link MOV : .mov
come now. even if he did manage to pull it off with a revolving table and dropped frames, it's still the same result. the only way i can imagine any film avoiding "fake"ness would be a contiguous clip of cinema verite, using an undetectable camera. and even then, it's still an illusion.
don't be so uptight. film is a teleological artform.
my friend worked on this shoot and she told me how it was done. there were 32 some odd cameras set in a circle around the stage. there was also some type of black cloth in a circle around the stage that concealed the cameras, minus their lenses, I assume that was done in post. to rotate around the people he just cut from one camera to the next.