Prodigy - "Voodoo People Remix" - Directed by Ron Scalpello Quicktime, 21 mb
this is such a poor rip off of a much better spanish film called Intacto w/ Max Von Sydo.
i think the idea is great and fit quite well the band. but too much advertising! (did motorola sponsored the video?!). i'll look for the spanish movie.
this is sinful..
wow. that was a thrill. i felt ashamed to keep watching. but i guess that's the beauty. definitely adds a sadistic feeling to prodigy.
wow very disturbing and very well made. Is this band back together? The last few shots w/ the SUV felt like a car commercial.
yeh Intacto is a cool movie and i hate to see people ripping off stuff but Prodigy are still cool musicians regardless of what their videos are based on. i hear there's an american version in the works, but then again, when is there not an "american version" in the works for any kick ass foreign film?
Yeah, this would have been an awesome video, if I hadn't seen Intacto.
It's funny, the line between a ripoff and a homage. If everybody knew about INtacto, I'd see this is a homage--but since most people watching this video are going to think it's original, I call it a ripoff.