LCD Soundsystem - Tribulations (dir. Dougal Wilson)

(direct link) (from website)
It was Dougal.
I think it'd be amazing if you guys could run a simple "find!" on this website before posting some "new" link for some amazingly new video!
Anyone noticed the gondry/bjork hommage inside this video? when the guy is falling.
a little more than a hommage. More like a straight rip. Have you ever seen Lucas with the lid off by gondry
still fun to watch
just as a reminder, here's that lucas with the lid off joint again
qt file here
still unbefuckinglievable.
nofare, i would've loved to not have made the mistake of posting a video already posted, but i did do a search and how stupid of me, the previous post refers to lcd soundsystem as "the lcd" and there's no inclusion of the video song's title, oh how ignorant of me!
Yeah, it's sort of an hommage to Gondry's Lucas video, just like the 'Daft Punk Is Playing At My House' video is an hommage to Gondry's Daft Punk 'Around the World' video. They're both cool though, and better than most videos out at the moment.
Whatever you want to call it in reference to Gondry's Lucas video, I think that it is still an amazing video. Wilson made a well executed video. Props