Tocotronic "Aber hier leben, nein danke!" by Til Obladen

another intriguing performance video.
(track's actually ok for a german band; lyrics good, too.)
resizeable qt file here
I find it quite boring really, both the video and the song. It sort of hurts me to say that, I used to love Tocotronic, but then they grew up... :(
lyrics, roughly:
i like it when anger breaks and i like your powers occult
i like animals in the woods at night when they whisper making noise
i like the way i like the goal i like excess and self-exile
i like the dreading and a lot i offer some to everyone
that's what i like that's what i like
but to live here no thank you but to live here no thank you
i like the mirror-effect of the air and when desire never fades the sheen of life in a single day
i like the doubts consuming me when my fear suddenly ends
i like the dancing the idiot-fair when we're erring in circles at night in a motion against diligence
that's what i like that's what i like
but to live here no thank you but to live here no thank you
(what i like: lighting, camera work, editing, understated quality of it all.)
One chord is more then enough