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Super Discount 2 (a.k.a. Etienne de Crecy) "Fast Track (Someone Like You)" dir. Marie de Crecy

nice little mindf*ck

u2b here

(via gbh)

langdonallger, November 2, 2005 at 9:53:47 PM CET

What do you mean mindfuck? I mean, is it supposed to seem like they're having sex or something?

progosk, November 2, 2005 at 10:05:35 PM CET

oh, did i not understand something? i thought they were playing scrabble.

(dunno, just struck me as vaguely catherine breillat. shame they chickened out at the end.)

captainmarc22, November 2, 2005 at 11:02:04 PM CET

decent idea; horribly directed.

Seriously, was anyone fooled? Didn't it look like they were riding an exercise bike from the beginning?

on second thought, I really can't stand these one joke videos - this idea could sustain a :30 commercial, but it doesn't work for a 3min song.

progosk, November 3, 2005 at 12:43:01 AM CET

i might be wrong, but i think the idea was not to fool you, but to just to engage/indulge the ambiguity. the first idea you get is that he's doing some sort of stepmaster or treadmill (what she's on about is less clear though you get a glimpse of the track shorts she's wearing - so you're even being told she isn't in the nude). as it wears on (and i like that the rhythm is a bit out of sync a lot of the time) you just observe this up-close physicality, and you can't help your mind from wandering - though you know that isn't what's going on. (it's in this sense that i meant it messes with you.) ok, maybe i have a faible for french réalisatrices, but i would definitely disagree about the quality of direction here. (up until the rather thrown-away ending, that is.)

nofare, November 3, 2005 at 4:27:01 PM CET

A word in seven letters that starts with 'G' GARBAGE!

I'm French and I'm not turned on by that director's mise-en-scene.

Bad lighting. The models are hot but they look awful. And as CaptainMarc says, it gets old after about 10 sseconds. It's like a bad version of those very early Stan Brackage videos ... and those weren't great either.


thingybob, November 5, 2005 at 12:07:38 AM CET

marie de crecy also directed an okay video for thierry stremler. whats with french mv directors all being rich kids from Versailles?? Marie de Crecy, the H5 guys, Cyril Houplain, even Michel Gondry... also true of hipster french musicians: air, daft punk, cassius. all from versailles.

buttercup954, November 6, 2005 at 11:18:23 AM CET

and the point of that was...?

thingybob, November 8, 2005 at 3:45:46 PM CET

the point is that its easier to make it when you have rich Versailles parents.


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