KoRn "Twisted Transistor" dir. Dave Meyers

That would be Lil' Jon, Snoop, Xzibit, and David Banner as Jonathan Davis, Munky, Fieldy and David Silveria.
The clip I got was called the "Chronicology Version." Don't know if there are others. MTV News story
image from videostatic
"...one of the funniest and most entertaining videos you'll see all year. The casting... is pure genius." - Videostatic
I wonder, is Videostatic Dave "Foolish" Meyer's bitch or something?
Anyone else not laugh once during this video?
I mean, is "hey look, they're black guys" what passes for comedy these days?
couldn't bear to watch it through.
oh, i kinda liked it. it's just silly fun.
Well, I laughed at the Bullseye logo, and Snoop's couple lines.
This was definitely cut for the KoRn fan, not the general audience, like myself. I don't know the characters well enough to get all the jokes.
Overall I felt a warm fuzzy feeling towards the rappers, all of whom keep doing music I enjoy. I think there's a reason MTV & MTV2 play rap more often nowadays.
Because it's acceptable for suburban white girls to listen to it now?
on paper this idea is cool- different -but this video is shit- also how original to have an English manager... my lord.. yes Mr. Meyers you are not the only one to have watched spinal tap... over it.
These guys are too cool & unironic to make me laugh, I'm sorry ---
Let's make everyone on Earth sign a contract stating that they will not make mockumentaries unless they are Christopher Guest. Otherwise, people will continue to make thing like this that are contrived and utterly vapid.
I liked captinmarc's comment about Videostatic. A good site to catch up on things, but there's zero taste there. I cringed at the glowing reviews of that awful twenty-seven hour Green Day video and that horrendously terrible war-themed My Chemical Romance one.
Oh, I get it, they're black. Good one.
I could be wrong here, but I'm pretty sure videostatic is just press releases from production companies & labels, meaning that they are in fact everybodys bitch.
This video might have been funny if it was done well. But it was done terribly, and hardly any of it made any sense.
I did identify with the intern though! Very funny!
this video is comic genius! although i am an avid rock fan and heavily into KoRn, the placement of all thiese rappers especially the coolest guy in the music industry, Snoop, has to make this one of the funniest videos that i have seen since Tenacious D's F*ck her Gently!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, so you've all seen Spinal Tap and think it's too cliched and it's not funny, oh and it's four black guys, blah, blah, blah. What would you guys do to turn it into a better video? I'm dying to hear an original idea from somebody? Tell me how you would get someone who doesn't know Korn to sit and watch a video, how would you increase the audience? The sad thing about spoof video's is not the video. It's the fact that the people who are part of that scene are always to cool to laugh at it, while if you're on the outside you get it. How many spoof rap videos have you laughed at which people who are part of that scene don't find funny. Think about it.
The basic concept is a fun one - replace a rock band with hip-hop stars as they get more video airplay - but so much of the video is taken up with in-jokes and a generally poor pastiche of Spinal Tap that it loses its effect pretty quickly. To be honest, playing out the track with those four guys, completely throwing the viewer and leaving them with a "Wait a minute, wasn't that Snoop & Xzibit?" moment at the end would have been FAR more clever.
youwhat - whoa. Chill. How about commenting on the VIDEO or song instead of dissing everyone else's comments? Think about it.
KoRn: like it or not, it's becoming a movie. Another in-joke fest?
soooooooooooooooooooo funny
I like korn to much to judge there music videos but still it was excessive.