John Vanderslice - "Exodus Damage"

Dir. Brent Chesanek
nicely done with some stirring color washed shots. my gut feeling is that the song and ergo the video run a little long for having little structural variation except additional instruments coming in, supplementing the same musical lines...
wow! I really, really loved it. great song too. thanks for posting this.
i liked it until i saw the director's name. damn whats up with that guy, last time i saw him on the street he was very drunk and spit on me and my friends and defecated on my dog. dude has problems
scumbag city then, huh?
i have to say that is pretty boring. i felt no connection between the song and the images and very little connection between one image and another. it seemed like not much thought was put into it.
and then after several minutes of this it seemed to come together a LITTLE BIT - i thought he was a terrorist taking pictures of things to blow up... but then again who knows?
i say too long and not interesting.
I think it looked like a found footage film juxtaposed with images of the photographer to somehow tie it together...a few nice moments, but not really associated with the music or complete feeling.