Sharon Stone and the Hurricane Katrina All-Stars "Come Together Now"

....really scraping the D-List here.
Come to-getha! Woah-ah-wo-wo! This has got to go down in history as the worst Beatles cover of all time. Actually, they've changed it enough that the composer might actually think it's an original work. Hmmm, I guess we'll have to check the credits to be sure. The fact that this piece of shit is dedicated to one of the worst trageties in U.S history makes it all the more hilarious/offensive.
Is that a joke about this being a Beatles cover? They've got nothing in common other than a couple words in the title. While I appreciate the sentiment of the song, every person in it other than Wyclef sucks. I mean, Celine Dion, Aaron Carter, and the Game? Truly a worst of the worst there.
god how embarassing. The tone is so bad that the whole thing feels suspicious.
They must've reached out to all the top stars if they ended up with the lineup they've got. I wonder exactly how they all declined.
And is Aaron Carter the dude with the mad acne? Ouch!
The best shot is at 1:09 - Sharon Stone is "directing" a tape full of hurricane news footage. "I want the waves to crash down like this!"
Just for a moment, assuming that this wasn't so unbelievably cheesy...Why on earth would the rapper at the beginning feel the need to express love from Dr. Dre? Do these damned hip-hop shout-outs never end?
yall at least they're tryin to do good
Wow, Celine look like a raptor, and Sharon looks like shes on pain killes again.
The fat guy... is that Rubenator from that crap idol show?
It's funny to read all the comments without knowing the video & song (cause this AOL quicktime doesnt run here (in Europe???-is that the reason???) - anyway, it's strange, cause just today, I had an old 7inch single in my hands: "let it be" from collaboration called "ferry aid" (must have been a sunken ship), it has been maybe the longest time the worst Beatles-cover ever.
Terrible song - terrible images. What can I say...