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Mew - Why are you looking grave - Jaron Albertin

Seems I am always the one posting jaron albertin videos, but he deserves is his new one for the band Mew

jesse.ewles, November 20, 2005 at 11:20:58 PM CET


progosk, November 20, 2005 at 11:46:22 PM CET

very interesting stuff. this band gets on my nerves, though. both their videos feel overcommissioned.

krof, November 21, 2005 at 10:34:09 AM CET


mee, November 21, 2005 at 5:03:25 PM CET

Yes, the video makes the song better. Original and beautifully shot.

jgamble, November 21, 2005 at 10:47:55 PM CET

Super rad! The part with the tilting horizon is S-S-S Sick and the revolving around the tree... su-weeet!

itsallgonnabreak, November 22, 2005 at 2:22:25 AM CET

anyone found a way to save this video on the hard drive?

progosk, November 22, 2005 at 2:28:13 AM CET

yeah itsall: right-click here.

claire., November 22, 2005 at 6:08:33 AM CET

Bloody brilliant.

kevathens, November 22, 2005 at 2:07:40 PM CET

I like Jaron's ideas, but the song pushes me away so much it's hard to engage it and 'get' what Jaron is going on about. Anyone link to the lyrics?

commissionergordan, November 22, 2005 at 3:23:50 PM CET

Progosk, how do you mean "overcommissioned"?

progosk, November 22, 2005 at 3:27:47 PM CET

in the sense that mew's music (imho) isn't really up to the rather special treatment they got both from martin and from jaron. so it feels like their video commissioner is training his/her guns a little too high.

livethroughthis, November 22, 2005 at 4:28:59 PM CET

mew is interesting, listening to their catalogue of music you realize that they are quite good ie. "Frengiers" is amazing. It takes a while to get into them and at first listen, i agree at first this song sounds a little off. Sony uk commissioned the project and its tough because they dont realy have any good artists at all. The commissioners there, have money for videos and want to do cool ones but are stuck with bands like westlife... maybe a solution is just get some good acts.

wilson wilson, November 22, 2005 at 5:19:08 PM CET

i really like jaron albertin - a lot. and this video has some great imagery in it, but it seems pretty cut & paste to me and even after a few viewings it doesn't seem to really add up to very much. i guess i don't "get it".

livethroughthis, November 22, 2005 at 8:01:10 PM CET

whats not to get? joking, well the original story got minimized. on the day we had to cut short alot of the concept as usual, so in the end it came out more abstracted the intended. Instead of shooting a sequence we had time to tell the story in one or two shots. It's basically about the divide coming together from what you see in peoples faces to what they feel like inside. I wanted to tell it through faces. a family set in a park; nature vs humans. things fliping inside out. yeah i guess, hippie art shit.

wilson wilson, November 22, 2005 at 8:10:53 PM CET

don't get me wrong man. i'm a fan.

kevathens, November 22, 2005 at 8:39:06 PM CET

Exactly, Jaron, I love your work so far.

livethroughthis, November 22, 2005 at 9:04:59 PM CET

thanks dudes

lusk81, November 22, 2005 at 10:26:55 PM CET

Jaron/Livethru: I think you're work is really strong and you've got tremendous promise, but I have to agree with wilson. Unlike your above comment, there's never a sense of a divide, let alone a piece that explores this divide coming together.

What's most striking is this suggestion of paranormal behavior, as if the people displayed posses some kind of subversive power. Our lead singer, who feigns rest and waits apprehensively, is joined by his friends who not only appear out of nowhere, but seem to float to the ground below. This is weird because their poise is already suggestive of 'something else' in a relatively natural environ (school yard). Pretty awesome.

Later we see these same people drift behind trees, expand their expendages, play with half animal children, hide in both light and shadow, tilt the world around them, etc. If this is suggestive of a divide, it has so little to do with their facade/internal landscape and more to do with some kind of struggle with consciousness. These are people who don't fit in not because of emotional reasons, but because of some hightened awareness and paranormal sense they hold.

But like most of your work, a really strong concept gets cut up and lost in what I feel are unnecessary flourishes i.e. floating graphic chairs, a man who's mouth correlates to some washermachine garbagecan that explodes neon, a bicycle man doing a nose wheelie (?!), balloons, a cat on a chair, etc.

Furthermore, this collection of interesting shots or lose ideas feels patchwork like but not in a good way. There's never a sense of anything coming together, never a unity. It feels less like an abstract exploration of ideas and more of a half thought out concept.

I don't know my friend, I think you could be an unstoppable talent if you could just pull it together a little more. Great work.

familiar, November 22, 2005 at 11:04:45 PM CET

I will have to agree with lusk -- I did not get a sense of connection between the elements that make up the video. Granted, things tend to get cut and modified, but when basing a video around concepts, rather than story, you are treading a fine line between cohesion and confusion.

As I've said before, the images you create can be interesting, but the intention behind them - or even an unintentional meaning the viewer can glean from them - is often lost in the shuffle.

I'm not a fan of high art, nor of pretty moving images for the sake of technical masturbation. You clearly have a strong grasp for the software and hardware, and a good understanding of visual composition, I just wish there was more to hold on to beyond these things.

I couldn't call this hippie, but then, I am not the one who envisioned it. Devendra Bernhardt -- now THERE is a modern day hippie. ;)

livethroughthis, November 22, 2005 at 11:50:27 PM CET

lusk81 - wow, good points. I had issues with having to shoot a certain amount of band performance at the last minute on this one so originally I pictured a more coherent story. This video aside, you are right, most of time i seem to mash my concepts into visual soup. That's what i get a kick out of when i put them together, but often if i keep adding afterthoughts; it becomes unnecessary, I agree. I tend to throw conventional narrative right out the window when I put together treatments. for me, for videos definitive narratives don't really interest me. But bringing it all together or streamlining a concept is something i am learning to do. And for an audience i agree it would create a stronger piece.

kevathens, November 23, 2005 at 1:36:06 PM CET

In contrast to familiar's point - This is just personal taste, really, but I love it when things aren't literal. I love riddles and puzzles, especially visual ones.

Each of Jaron's works (up until this) has felt like it has posed questions deep in my subconscious mind that I can't solve. Questions about this surreal world we live in, all these technologies and people.

I agree, though, that this one didn't come together as his previous stuff mostly has. (Strongly referencing his Cut Copy vid which was one of my faves of last year)

I agree too that it's all very confusing. But that's exactly what I like, because I think the world is a very confusing and totally neat place.

boost, November 23, 2005 at 3:12:53 PM CET

i try not to think about Jaron's videos too much - i like to watch and let it take me somewhere - its not always easy to put into words where that is. it's a sensation you dont always get with other videos and I say right on brotha!


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