Sigur Ros - Glosoli
Very beautiful, Icelandic offering...

HD'ish QuickTime Link
this is the best video ever. almost.
another URL (just in case):
This is probably my favorite band at the moment, but this video isn't up to par with some of their others. I don't like the ending at all. I felt totally let down by it.
speace: please use the search to avoid double-posting.
Hi, I searched in topics and couldnt find it there. and now I have lloked again and this posting hasnt appeared..... how can I add it to the topics??? :)
I fell asleep before I even clicked the link.
what did you search for? "glosoli" brings it up, as does "sigur"...
the previous post is here (in case you didn't get there from my previous comment):
It's pretty close, in concept, to the Arcade Fire's Rebellion video only well shot.
i've seen this posted a few times, and everybody gushes over it. i understand that from a cinematic viewpoint that it's beautiful and all. but i find it overly self-indulgent and slow. and it has it's pedophilic moments.
@nodirection: pedophilic moments? What?
the ending is amazing. i think it's the best part.
This is such an inspiration, especially being in the digital filmmaking program at the Kansas City Art Institute...When you think about how technically easily most everything in this work could be achieved...I know, it was probably just as wrought with problems and technical dillemmas as any other feature, but it seems so effortless...Every young director should see this work.