Man Man "10lb Moustache" dir. Adam Carrigan

nonsense, or just hermetic?
mov here
(via familiar)
wow now that's a fucking music video. kind of early godard meets jarmusch.
Yes. One of my favorites this year. Thanks for posting this. Hermetic; there are discernable threads running through it -- so while the dialogue is strange, it isn't indecipherable (but of course, parts of it are open to interpretation, which I like).
phantom: nailed it.
yeah bicycles are a music video must have. walking too. walking is very important to a good i mean fucking good music video ;)
whenever i try to open this video, my computer breaks down - strange.
I don't know why, but after watching that video, I have a sudden urge to throw off the yoke of capitalist oppression, and go build tractors on a collectivist farm.
when i was young until now i take names down and find out who they are and what it means. it can make life a lot of fun. i remember when i told my college film professor, after she showed Brackage, that it was just some bullshit mtv shit. wow was i mistaken.
this video is fucking amazing.
Certainly one of the best things I've seen in a long time. Has this guy done anything else? Intresting local article about the director/production here:
Scroll down a little-
yes, Jie: adam carrigan did concept & camera work for a fantastic video for mahogany.