Alva Noto & Ryuichi Sakamoto "Trioon I" by Karl Kliem

back to basics.
mov here
but it definetly need more to sustain my interest. it was barely more complex than an itunes visualization.
perhaps if this image was on screens in different, real-world settings?
or if the way the music was visualized continued to evolve?
Couldn't agree less.
The ultra-minimalist contemplative visuals complement the music perfectly. Reminds me of Ryoji Ikeda's concert graphics also.
Clean. Precise.
SHUT UP. You are wrong and I am right.
This is bollox.
Blimey, someone posting up the work of Vj's, lol, great work though, meso do make some fantastic visuals and their lighting work for the cocoon club is absolutely fantastic!
genuinely love it. the austerity of video makes great counterpart to emotionality of the track... and deffinitely cant agree with the point about iTunes visualisation, I really doubt any could be made with such an exquisite taste ;-)
btw do you think there was any pattern between the sounds of a piano and appearance of those rectangulars? I couldnt find any really but...