intraveineuse, December 12, 2005 at 10:33:26 PM CET
NonStop - Devant ma nuque (dir. Henri-Jean Debon)

This is a video clip of NonStop, a french rap/noise/electro band. This is very interesting, it souds like programme if you know. The concept is interesting and the lyrics are very good.
18mb mov here
Or, go to and choose ' sons et textes ' or ' sounds and lyrics '. ( because there is a french or an english version of the site.
progosk, December 12, 2005 at 11:31:01 PM CET
this. is. awesome.
lusk81, December 12, 2005 at 11:52:11 PM CET
- I have no idea what he's saying.
- From the visuals alone, this is not awesome.
- The above still (which is awesome) has nothing to do with the promo.
progosk, December 12, 2005 at 11:56:40 PM CET
- i haven't got the full drift either (just yet)
- yes it is. (repeat after me: straub-huillet are [not] god.)
- erm... so what?
shut up, December 13, 2005 at 12:03:19 AM CET
progosk = right lusk81 = wrong
gwan, December 13, 2005 at 2:35:18 AM CET
I like the C+C music factory dancers, but those other guys creep me out, i cant tell if there in a comune?, or if they want to beat me up and rob me?, or if they're poets with "edge" sheesh... basicly the laungage barrier surpasses the visual aspect for me.
amazingmax, December 13, 2005 at 10:59:55 AM CET
Wow. Total awesome.