Kanye West - Heard 'Em Say (Gondry)

UPDATE: partizan MOV
40mb Hornet Inc. mov
Also: yousendit mpg
aww that was kind of cute. Some bits were a tad boring (his stop motion stuff kind of looked weak compared to the recent Plan B "No Good" video); but the bed driving was great. Not his best, but harmless fun.
i wish i had something more insightful to say but - wow, this is really lovely! i was charmed. and the colours!
(i can see this video being hated on though, for being too cute or slight...)
too cute and slight!
After all the anticipation...some really nice bits, and a warm hearted feeling overall. Easily better than all but the gulliest rap videos...but not transcendent, despite its many charms. And the juiced-up saturation sort of feels to me like a weird half nod in the direction of "the urban look".
Since on paper this should be an instant classic, opinions will unavoidably relate to the inevitable disapointent comparing this video and the imagined final product.
High expectations can really kill you.
Does Kanye actually think the Plympton version is more TV friendly?
I would put this as one of the worst vids of the year, for the sake that Gondry could do so much more than this...which was quite weak. Sorry (I think he's even embarassed about it)
I liked the video it was cute
I liked it too. It's different from the rest of Gondry's work. I think he's trying new things just because there's so much expectation about him. The animation parts are more like The Cure's "The end of the world". Nice art direction, overall very pretty.
Seeing a variety of stop motion promos this year, this one feels almost like a copy of a gondry piece instead of an original. You could also see how little time they had (especially inside macy's). Everything feels rushed and slapped together on a whim. Weird color palette. Nice overall.
Sidebar readers: I added a much much better Kanye link above..
it may not be mind blowing like must of gondrys stuff. But i wears it heart in its sleave like no other video does.
Since it's Gondry, I'd call it decent and cute. If it wasn't Gondry, I'd call it complete crap. Just not a very good video.
gondry accused of plagiarising this from mike jittlov's "swing shift" short. (via cartoon brew)
jittlov reel here; there's a sizable extract of from swing shift about a third of the way in. it's nighttime in a big department store and things start to get animated, while a security guard checks around with his flashlight...
Have any of you ever seen jittlov's the wizard of speed and time? Gondry should watch that film and remind himself as to the limits of live action stop motion.
Anyway if this is ripping off anything its Michael Jackson. Especially with that creep from Maroon 5 doing best Stevie Wonder impersonation.
For more on Gondry and blackness check out Dave Chapelle's Block Party.
Progressive (this not that) version here:
(Still uploading, will complete at 12:20)