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Wir sind Helden ”Wenn es passiert” by … Greifer & Krötenbluth (filmlounge)

Wow! Axel Prahl is such a bloody cool punk!

» real » » 2005 » making of » wir sind helden

spreech, January 6, 2006 at 10:29:34 AM CET

thx for linking that, i love it, the band, the song and axel prahl ...

benroll, January 6, 2006 at 12:09:34 PM CET

Very nice. Shame my German's not up to scratch to understand all the lyrics. Touching without being sentimental. Tragedy and comedy. That road at the end reminds me of 'Weekend'.

mutant, January 6, 2006 at 2:34:17 PM CET

song is crap, axel prahl is god!

spreech, January 6, 2006 at 5:42:35 PM CET

benroll, here is a rough translation, which my wife & I did...

Wir sind Helden – when it happens (wenn es passiert)

A heartbeat just for me And those who’re with me Open up your eyes Who has no tears for this will become blind tomorrow If you’re not loving this, then what Everyone love this as much as he can

A lightning just for me And those who’re with me Who’s doubting now doesnt see clear No matter how much time will take away Who’s blinking now will not have been here

Chorus: Maybe it is only really just one year But I wont’t ever ask, where I’ve been Where I’ve been when this has been true

I want to be there When the time freezes I want to be there When time explodes And when meanwhile I loose my mind I want to be there When it happens

A heart, a beat, a light For those, who’re alone Open up your eyes You really wanna count, how time is passing by


benroll, January 6, 2006 at 7:56:35 PM CET

Danke schoen fuer die Uebersetzung Spreech und Frau! Manchmal ist es richtig schwer die Worten in englischer Lieder zu verstehen, geschweige denn in Deutsch. Ich sollte versuchen mein Deutsch zu verbessern.

progosk, January 6, 2006 at 8:06:03 PM CET

"geschweige denn"?! fancy fusswerk, ben! you half a kraut?

funtoosh, January 6, 2006 at 8:15:44 PM CET

ben, dein deutsch ist super, respekt! (’fancy fusswerk’ is cool, btw, i will use that myself, if i may)

benroll, January 6, 2006 at 8:25:36 PM CET

Not me. German/French girlfriend though, so I try. I expect my grammar's all over the shop.

progosk, January 6, 2006 at 8:41:40 PM CET

love this video. so rare when german bands get the tone of lyrics right, and even rarer when the video's not heavy-handed. i sort of suspected greifer&krötenbluth had something...


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