Phil Collins "Against All Odds" (1984)

This will separate the antmen from the antboys. Hell, this video is 22 years old, folks. Taylor also directed the movie. (Inspired by this.)
what a spot!
kevathens: respect is due
yeah: what a dog.
Yeah! Who was the actor in the acting parts? Kenny Loggins? I never watched the movie. Probably a mistake. Great to watch this clip on a machine, which we never could have imagined 22 years ago.
jeff bridges, isn't it? What the hell was the film? It looked like Raiders of the Lost Ark mashed up with some hokey football drama. Phil ruled the 1980s. 50cent hasn't flown between 2 gigs on Concorde. Pussy.
I think it was Against The Odds. Co-starring Rachel Ward and Brian Brown - the other guy in Cocktail with Tom Cruise.
I want to see this movie. I'm gonna check, if it is available on amazon. Gimme a second .....
..... yeah! It is available! In a special edition! And it is really Jeff Bridges! By the way: I found a Paul Mc Cartney live Video on the german amazon:
The red rain represents the anger of loss. The green rain represents imperfect memory. And the blue rain represents antifreeze.
80's cliches: Neon, rain, Phil Collins emoting, use of "tribal" artifacts to convey emotion, superimposition of scenes as a kind of memory bubble....etc... Crazy delicious!!
Walking on water? (Where's the Cars "Magic"?! That would rock if that were posted.)