Death From Above 1979 - Sexy Results (MSTRKRFT Remix) Director - Jaron Albertin

"When teet meets mouth"
now why didn't i think of that
it would be amusing if this could only play on tv w/ a black bar over the "nipples."
Can't say I'm a huge fan of this genre but Albertin does it better than anyone.
I haven't seen a Matthew Barney music video - and of course Cunningham is better; but I think of him as being more narrative based; although they both do the creepy shit.
I think this video was made for something like $5000 Canadian. Not quite the budget Chris Cunningham works within.
Sexy Results mov since top link is broken
What's Jaron's background? Chris had experience in videos and film effects before he took off. Nylon Mag says Jaron taught himself before he signed up with Soft Citizen.
While I agree he's not up to par with Chris or (certainly) Matthew Barney (good God!), he's doing a great job so far.
Wow. I think this video is amazing, its so bleak and creepy... but hot. I'm mesmerized.
Familiar - i don't know who you are but do you have some kind of grudge against this director? The video budget of $5000 is a huge hurdle - thing about it - money to pay for stuff vs no money to pay for stuff. And this video was basically churned out of a g5 with many many weeks of hard composites..look at the mouth tracking on them titties man, that is some masterful work. Whatever, call Mathew barney and go to bjorks for a bbq if this upsets you too much.
Flame on.
Chris Cunningham made some pretty shocking early work - does anyone remember Jesus Jones?
Jaron's cool but hasn't had 8 years at the top of the industry.
Killer tits by the way.
To bring it full circle, how about some hot Bjork action. I'm guessing Cocoon was about Matthew Barney?
About Matthew Barney, yeah, but directed by Eiko Ishioka. Hot Bjork action for a full circle? We might need pagan poetry, directed by Nick Night, too.
(Sorry, I meant the boobies)

Not exactly a new idea, but still a pretty good concept.
OTHA: Great find!
As far as the CC and Barney comments, I disagree completely. Jaron's work is nothing like cunningham's and/or barney's.
I feel maybe the aforementioned comments would be less technical based if the promo was less focused on one effect. The mouth tits are great, but we should've kept moving. What's really working (and where I thought the promo was going) was this collection of weirdly sexual vignettes. Mouth behind lace curtains. Man in dress behind floating window. Female form with mouth tits. Leg woman walking out of dark hallway. Even the oriental rug and fur coat is really great! If budget was an issue, couldn't we at least have had more textural elements like this?
On another tip, am I the only one who felt that guy is the priest dress behind the window should not have been some kind of hipster? Instead, a really old man. Someone with the age and wear of a factory worker. It would've helped tie the setting together better - making the piece live in this weird locale where sexual events are staged and labored over. I believe it would've also helped the piece feel less like a one off.
Great work. Again, albertin is the guy to watch.
I dig this video a lot.
Didnt Mathew Barney get tons of money invested for his films by the Versaces?
i think greg is jealous
hehe chips, anyone?
I brought the dip.
So now that we know how everyone else fits into this who are you familar?
none of my business but sounds like you all need to go the pub and have some drinks. Were are all fellow warriors in the film war!!!!
this thread is one step closer to landing on videoville.
So wait - the boob girl is Claire!?!?!
HOT DAMN. Someone post a pic of her w/o her head cut off!
No one can ever accuse Antvillers of being all pimply geeks again....
This is one of the most immature threads I've ever read from a bunch of 30-somethings. I'm deleting my posts for the sake of the people who link to the video. Defending myself on the internet isn't worth it.
You know--I know all the people that are posting this drama in this thread, and I really have to say--you should all be ashamed. This is not the place to have an internet fight. Poor Jaron...this is what's attached to his hard work for fans or non fans to see? Way to go guys--next time, save this bullshit for myspace and let the big boys and girls use vehicles like this for a greater purpose, say, like promoting art and business.
Lana rules.
Wow. Classic "familiar" form. Dish, dish, dish, but when someone calls you on your bullshit, turn it around and blame eveyone else.
posterity will thank you all. as you command, cap'n - videoville ahoy!
Shit, not another embarrassing thing to find online when I do a vanity search... ;)
familiar- give me a break, its just so painfully obvious, how can you expect people not to call you out?
I still like this video a lot. Looks like Jaron's last two videos were the results of when things go awry? (Though aren't many videos like that?)
I'm with Elliot though - drinks around the house!
Antville - where people who make videos and the people who love them go to relive junior high school.
Did I ever tell you guys I got introduced to James Levy?
ha ha, funny. don't worry about familiar, he is just the resident gaylord.
Holy shit. Who would've thought I'd have so many anti-fans. This is flattering. At least it's clear that some people pay attention.
blog on familiar, blog on.
oh you funny kids!
Cool vid, I found the blue screen elements a little off-putting as they were not moving in sync with the dancing. Claire.. well done for steping up to save the day at the 11th hour.
' but matthew barney is just downright nothing.'
^that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.
I too believe claire is very brave. if I had mutant breasts that had somehow grown hideous mouths I would not bare them in public. I would join a circus and hide from the oppresive normals who run society.
given some time, I think this is one of the better creepy hipster sexy ones around here. it's eminently watchable and not fetishistic for the director's sake.
i'm glad the dancer didn't show - claire's somewhat random grooving fits better than too much choreography would have.
apart from that, this is some serious erotica - you've got all the under- and overcurrents going. great styling, funky camerawork - great stuff jaron.
also, maybe i'm a bit shuttered, but i don't see much of a connection to m barney or cunningham at all...
But that's a tease for me, as a fan of choreography. I agree, Claire's grooving worked really well, but what were the original moves?
Good point there, P. I don't see much artistic connection from Jaron to Cunningham, though I'll grant a light connection to Barney, only in presentation of images and use of bizarre/unexpected imagery.