HOT CHIP "Over And Over" (Dir: Nima Nourizadeh)

Easily the best video I've seen so far this year. QT file.
Ah rad. Their best song, and they take the whole motion capture studio thing and make a video out of it. Nice work.
they are going to blow up!
this is the best video i've seen in a long, long, long time....
great vid. Nima is getting better and better.
band great too but maybe shouldn't do so much jaegermeister before playing the panorama bar.
redefining 'killing it' at a club near you
I concur. I think this is a top bit of work. Great, simple idea, extremely well executed.
HOLA. En español aquí.
I've ripped it and converted to .mov. You can download it here. Another great video of Nima Nourizadeh and more information about her here.
Nima is actually a guy. is there anyway to get that link about him in english?
this video puts the cherry on an already 1st class track & band
It could be a guy...I've read here gender:female. ¿are you sure? My post translated by google.
Nima definitely a man! wicked video - nice work!
XDDDD Sorry Nima!! I've changed it. Now the post about him (translated) it's here. Great work
Wowser that is just soooo superb. Great video. sounds good too.
I guess as an anti after effects video it's pretty okay, but I don't understand why a bunch of people who never post love this.
I don't post that much, but I don't understand why everyone loves it so much either. Or the song. I liked the part with the balloon, pin-popping and wind machine but that's about it. Perhaps it's the british comedy thing people always talk about? It's definitely not the british rock thing, as those are pretty much my favorite.
ha fooled me.
I like it - there are a million ideas they could have done with this, and they did a solid amount. Jude Law did an SNL skit that had a similar theme - shooting a Sky Captain-like movie, he has no idea what scene they're doing; and the director is yelling stuff like "now, you're eating a ball of fire" ... then tells him they'll fix it in post.
I saw that Captian! So fucking funny.
It never crossed my mind to post fake praises. ha, yes it has but i couldnt sleep with that.
yeah, that was really funky - in a visual and accoustic sense. thx for the link (and for the mov too). Masterfill, the link (with other videos) is dead, does it still exist?
perhaps langdon. and vijay should start their own private invite only site - this is sure to keep the riff raff out.
oh believe me this isn't even close to some of the worst videos i've seen here and like i said there are some cool parts, but i wouldn't call it "best, top, or great" either. if you can explain why i should then i'm all ears. i also have to say that most videos don't hold my attention anyway.
ps i am the riff raff
you riff me raff you like brit rawck me dont
Garth Jennings is shot the next Hot Chip video yesterday.
"Can you guess what it is yet?"
don't get what all the fuss is about either. Alright video but doesnt blow my socks off in any way either. Would be interested to know what's so good about it too.
It's conceptually nice, and unpretentiously cute. Maybe some people just REALLY love Hot Chip? OR maybe they're friends/fans of the director ;)
i love it too, for exactly those reasons. and probably cause i'm tired of the amount of tricks that people put in their videos for no good reason.
great track (reminds me of clor), fun video.
close. but no cigar.
Ace visuals. Ace concept. Really funny. Very entertaining. Ticks all the boxes that make a good video. Really enjoyed watching it. Well done Nima.
gee, loads & loads of good ideas! bloody cool.
great song, clever, nicely done all around.
Props and high fives. This is splendid. Hot chip deserved a hot video.
This video rocks for so many of the right reasons. Some people here seem to be lacking a humour gene or they had too much dogma rammed down their throats at art school. Who cares let them drool over their copy’s of wallpaper and oyster while the rest of us have fun.
love having directed a video (morcheeba's "lighten up") on green screen i think this borders on genius...also making alot of repetition is involved in making vids and song totally captures "great but do it again" instructions from directors....i only hope this video was alot of fun to make for the band as they probably had to do everything "over and over"
i know it's supposed to be funny, but you guys are way too easy on this video. you laugh because you've seen people do green screen things on the behind-the-scenes on your favorite effects dvd. it's a laugh of recognition. you think you're in on it.
it's boring. it never achieves any sort of purpose other than "look this does that!" and even when the visuals come in, they're half-assed google image search result builds.'re dealing with the PROCESS! you get an A in art school. so self-aware!
that said, these guys rule live. i can't wait to see them tomorrow.
oh brok, thats a shame. You must've failed your art degree. Dont worry, you can become a critic for music videos instead. Im sure you'll do very well
nope i'll teach music videos.
masterfill -if you have the time: can you upload the mov again? or does anyone has a mov-link to that vid?
hot chip mov via stash
I agree Brok. It's "pop". It's catchy, it's easily consumable by the masses, and it makes mainstream viewers feel just a tinge underground and hip. The recepie for successfull pop. And it does this very well. But, the thing about pop is, it doesn't live long, and if often soon forgotten. We'll see how long this one lives.
setanor: mov
Nima Werkschau in Berlin soon.