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Hi Antvilleans,

Preparations are running for the new Antville-related Shorts-/Commercials-Blog. Now the upcoming site needs a name... Any suggestions?

These came to my mind:

tenajs, February 4, 2006 at 11:51:30 AM CET

progosk, February 4, 2006 at 11:59:30 AM CET

wait a sec: i thought subdomains weren't possible anymore!? (aren't you talking to the typolis folks?)

filiz, February 4, 2006 at 12:24:17 PM CET

Ok, I`ll check that with the subdomains. We were talking mainly about technical stuff... Thanks for the hint, Progosk.

speacocke, February 4, 2006 at 12:52:47 PM CET


beatle_matt, February 4, 2006 at 2:37:39 PM CET

I agree -

filiz, February 4, 2006 at 5:17:36 PM CET

now it´s clear: it will run with the same antville-software as this site and will be the prefix, so it could be for example

any other suggestions than 'shorts' ?

kevathens, February 4, 2006 at 5:27:09 PM CET

shads? advorts? shantville? shortsandabs?

progosk, February 4, 2006 at 6:42:19 PM CET

shortandsweet. ?

(that domain is kind of unfortunate... what'll it be: teepolis, taipolis...? you'd do well to find something that overcomes the naming handicap...)

funtoosh, February 4, 2006 at 6:51:55 PM CET

progosk, February 4, 2006 at 7:41:40 PM CET

just to make it clear: all suggestions should have the format:

those last two bits are obligatory, i gather.

(filiz: is just an alternative notation. is also alternatively - but you'd never want to call it that, would you...?)

funtoo: shortville ain't half bad.

filiz, February 4, 2006 at 8:05:11 PM CET

progosk: of course in your recommended order, if it´s the same subdomain ( uh, today i learned some internet-notation-basics...

other names could be:

funtoosh, February 4, 2006 at 10:51:33 PM CET

would it have to be shortville or shortsville? dunno ...

subdomains: if you'd rather want something like etc you can get that & have it point at, thats no problem (you have to change the MX-records or sth, or your provider can do that for you, it's not difficult)

gwan, February 5, 2006 at 8:11:39 AM CET

I was thinking

shortsville, someone metioned shortville i see now. bitsville spotsville post_here_when_you_think_of_posting_a_commercial_or_short_at_antville_ville umm.. miniclip mediaspot clipspot 30/60spots promoville FAVbits (film, animation and Video =FAV) Ad_Clips_bits&shorts

before i checked the comments, i thought shortsville as my first reaction to the post, i tend to think first reactions are the best when it comes to nameing something that is catchy or needs to be remebered.

odradeck, February 5, 2006 at 12:19:05 PM CET

very simple...

forgetmenot, February 5, 2006 at 7:11:32 PM CET

i digg or

progosk, February 5, 2006 at 7:36:18 PM CET

erm... od&forg: NOT (read previous comments)

so far i'd guess your best bet is to go with shortsville, and to avoid referrring to the whole url (the way a lot of blogs don't mention the (or whatever) part at all).

otherwise go for the pointing-to thing. (also .net, but not .com) looks available.

zerocross, February 8, 2006 at 9:12:51 PM CET

would love to see this new blog on antville ... or would be perfect.

kevathens, February 14, 2006 at 9:21:01 PM CET

Antville just got a favicon! Neato - Kris & Filiz are busy - I hear the shorts blog is almost ready for use. favicon included.

kris: no italics on the favicons? doesn't turn out good?

progosk, February 14, 2006 at 9:44:25 PM CET

i definitely second kev on the italics, plus: though i know it's ontologically incorrect, shouldn't it be: s for shortsville, v for videoville and... a for antville...? c'mon kris, the other anters ain't gonna sue...

kris, February 14, 2006 at 10:04:04 PM CET

i'm the only anter left at the moment. the others got bored with it. but i'm bored with life tonight, so i'm doing a couple of tiny improvement. check out the "new story" form!

kris, February 14, 2006 at 10:23:08 PM CET

i just uploaded a new favicon (italic a). delete your cache to see it.

funtoosh, February 14, 2006 at 11:32:25 PM CET

thanx for the icon ;-) yes, it s the little things that make life worthwhile.

kevathens, February 15, 2006 at 12:38:51 AM CET

kris can you make a 'v' for me? Or, better, tell me how to make one? For the life of me I can't figure it out. Any pointers are top :)

progosk, February 15, 2006 at 12:41:01 AM CET

k, you've got mail...

captainmarc22, February 15, 2006 at 12:41:18 AM CET

kevathens, February 15, 2006 at 12:50:58 AM CET

Thanks for that, p & c-marc. Yer da illest.

kevathens, February 15, 2006 at 1:33:11 AM CET

ok, favicon done. let me know if you don't see it on videoville, even after clearing your cache etc

dangerboy, February 15, 2006 at 1:37:52 AM CET

i think we should call him jeffrey.

progosk, February 15, 2006 at 8:42:14 AM CET

erm... k, in firefox i see an oversize v, in safari i don't see nuthin'.

kris, February 15, 2006 at 9:24:24 AM CET

i personally prefer the bigger letters.

kevathens, February 15, 2006 at 2:17:08 PM CET

Same here, what's with the small? I think mine's not working in some browsers (and Firefox tabs) because of the color indexing. I'll work on it more.. I'm a faviconovice.. favinovice

progosk, February 15, 2006 at 2:29:29 PM CET

the small's because in a given graphical space, in order to register as lower case, you need to avoid filling the whole space. the s is particularly subject to this (it immediately looks upper case) while the a (would) and the v (does) just look a little... pumped. (plus: a touch of understatement never hurts...) (ref.: boingboing, kottke, flickr, alexa; counter ref: vimeo)

(if it'd been up to me i would actually have gone for round rather than square fav's. no idea why...)

regarding browsers: fellow safari users beware: favicons are a DISASTER for us (you need to check macosxhints for a solution, and even then...). believe it or not i've currently abandoned ship for the irritation; and firefox on mac does v, a and s just fine, in tabs an anywhere else...

kevathens, February 15, 2006 at 2:36:17 PM CET

Hm, the tabs work in Firefox/PC, but my Firefox/Mac wasn't showin'..

I like them large because the letters show better, imho. I'll look at the v small tonight and see what I think.. Overall I'll defer to whatever the standard becomes. I'm pushing for large though.

progosk, February 15, 2006 at 2:44:26 PM CET

outage over at videoville...?

kevathens, February 15, 2006 at 2:55:07 PM CET

she's been flickerin', give her some time

progosk, February 15, 2006 at 5:19:43 PM CET

still dead as a doormouse...


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