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Naked Ape "Fashion Freak" Directed by Eric Althin

The leader of the popular Zombie girls. With her as always her loyal chiuaua, Tinkerdead.

Sexy Zombies get down and dirty, in this video for Naked Ape's song Fashion Freak.

12MB file, plays automatically in the about section.

or if youve got a hateon for myspace, download the file directly here:


progosk, February 4, 2006 at 12:53:30 PM CET

god i hate myspace (and embedded videos in general). here's a direct link to the .flv of that, though if you're on a mac you'll only get audio. zombied - surely you could provide a more useful link than that (the video on your myspace only yields audio in safari...)

progosk, February 4, 2006 at 3:24:07 PM CET

YOWZ - this is hilarious! thx for the clean link, and: chapeau!

(ps: "hateon"? never heard that - v funny.)

familiar, February 4, 2006 at 7:33:45 PM CET

OK, that was great.

From the lighting, to the make-up, to the effects, to the way in which they satirize sexuality by being disgustingly sexual. Excellent. And those zombies can move.

I even liked the song, vocoded lyrics and all.

benroll, February 4, 2006 at 8:30:37 PM CET

I've got a soft spot for stuff that satirizes what it actually is. Always a nice double bluff....and allows you to get away with murder. In this respect, is there a nod to Satisfaction and Window Licker in here?

I only wish it had upped the gas a bit more as it went on. It seemed to get a bit stuck halfway... But small criticism. It easily lasted the 4 minutes, which is a long track.

antdude, February 4, 2006 at 9:06:49 PM CET

Nice song! Crazy zombie video. Eee. Is this song available to get? I am in USA.

jesse.ewles, February 4, 2006 at 11:17:26 PM CET

Ya it is a lot like Window Licker. Except Window Licker is hilarious. This one's, for me, mostly held up by the hotness of the girls.

zombieduck, February 5, 2006 at 11:58:07 AM CET

The CD is not released yet, but when it is, you'll be able to get it online. Window licker was a great video, and anyone taking a poke at sexiness, certainly has to tip their hat to that masterpiece. But its important to me that fashion freak is different and entertaining enough for people not to think the subject matter redundant, and enjoy it. So far that seems to be the case. Thanks for the feedback! /eric

cliff_greene, February 5, 2006 at 11:43:07 PM CET

I see I wasn't the only one to see similarities between this and windowlicker.Of course I like windowlicker better, I'm a huge chris cunningham fanboy along with most people but who's comparing? this is a really good video,and the music is terrific.

engles, February 7, 2006 at 12:47:19 PM CET

Think it's more of a nod to shadforth personally, Peaches and Iggy comedy style zombies. Also, there was another one she did in a similar vein, things appearing from puddles in carpark, can't remember the name?? Anyway I think this video stands strong on it's own. Its funny , well shot, interesting. Although I did only see half of it as it got stuck.

antdude, February 15, 2006 at 7:46:05 PM CET

[deleted] Sorry guys, I was told that the MP3 wasn't for the public.

thereaperd, February 18, 2006 at 10:02:38 PM CET

The site you are using is maxxed on bandwidth. Would you be interested in putting the file up on BitTorrent? If so and you're looking for someone to host it, shoot me an email at I don't normally run a torrent but, I can make an exception in this case.


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