The Concretes - "Chosen One". DIR: Daniel Levi

Song's okay but great video! No humor though? :( I guess this qualifies as a faux one-taker, eh?
Wonderful video.
erm.. one part gondry, two parts vogel, stir til flat.
(good execution, mind you, but this doesn't hold a wet wick to his plan b video.)
(also: how come this girl's in this?)
really looks like her, yeah. maybe she is professional actress for musicvideos, this would be maybe a good job ... (ß)
All the girls in this video are in the band. There are eight members.
Was he just like not trying on his first couple of videos?
Sections of this really reminded me of this Stéphane Sednaoui video from a while back. Both are really excellent videos in my opinion.
DL: I know I wasn't the only one that was concerned with your work following a particular trend but after the last 2 promos I'd have to admit that I'm really excited. Looking over your reel it still feels like you're finding your ground and from an audience perspective that's kinda thrilling. Great great great.
The use of models (and/or model sets) is fantastic. I think maybe you could've found a way to remove the monotony of them and have it come together a little more. For instance, we pull out of a model only to see the band watching the people move around in the model - then pull out of that to see the same. Maybe there could've been some kind of small narrative happening that could carry on in each set you know. Like a thru line that would help the transitions better. Even the simple act of grading each set piece different would have helped.
KEV makes a good point about the humor. You have hipsters in this piece but they feel somewhat drab and uninspired. Maybe the models could've been approached as some kind of internal landscape that they watch and interact with. Like they see themselves behaving a certain way and they fuss the props about to 'affect' each environ. So each time we pull out we get a sense that our protagonists are trying to better themselves, or hurt each other, or play the trickster, or fall in love, or etc etc etc. I think this would've added a nice presonality to the piece. Cause remember, we don't have to end in hugs and kisses, but something with more humility would've helped their child-like personas and whimsical setting(s). A good jolt of energy that would carry.
I'm not crazy about the use of photos. I think it disrupts the transitions in a somewhat stale fashion. They feel too much like the stock 'cool transition' we'd see in commercials and become a little distracting.
Technically the compositing is super solid. And all in all, great work. Really exciting.
What Lusk said. Although I think the humour is there; it's just very subtle. Perhaps it suits the band?
The only issue I had with the technical execution was a lack of shadows from the band members.
Where's the humor? I can't find it anywhere, but I'm not feeling 100% today anyway..
The ideas certainly owe a lot to early gondry and I saw another video very, very similar to this from two french guys (also at Partizan) who used a lot of the same transitions. That said- it's well executed and fits the song nicely. Great that Daniel is continuing to do promos! look forward to the next one!
The absolutely straight-laced way in which the band approaches the settings invokes a sense of ironic wit. It's not like the band was being overly serious, so much as "acting" seriously for the sake of irony. There was a nod to this with the little wave to the band at the end.
this is a fucking great video and there is nothing wrong with gondry references which can usually be traced back to a selection of classic musicals anyway.
teh band usually make their own so are very particular about whom they work with - I think Creative Review might have done a piece on them around their first album.
Good skillz Dano!
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i thought it was a bit conceptually rocky on some of the transitions. having the drummer holding up a book, then place it down? if you're going to do so much compositing work, you should make sure each transition is more smoothly integrated. it was the lack of outright creativity in the transitions that kept this video from being AMAZING. also, didn't quite build to anything, i thought the last transitions would create something new, but they were just the same things again.
Very good VFX showreel.
Amazing video. Visually witty and smart. The deadpan performances and dry humour really suites The Concretes. Well done Levi!
Cool video. Song is OK though.
the video is nice, but i agree on taking out the photo transistions. i guess cuz i've seen it too much lately. lusk81 has great ideas. it does seem a little flat, kinda like they are just bored and apathetic, which made me feel that way. but nice work overall.
That Sednaoui video is much more interesting, though. His photographer sense comes through.
I like daniel, he's a nice guy, and I like this new direction he's going in, but this video adds up to a whole lotta nothing. It's just done for the effect. And it's a good one, so we like watching the video. But then what?
I'm a sucker for clever/ingenious ideas and mindfucks,but this video seems to be neither to me. I can't say that I even enjoyed the video (It might possibly have been the music that bored me) but the video doesn't seem to bring anything new to the table. I'm pretty sure I've seen something much this before. I think the effect has worn off on me.
I'm new to antville and there seems to be a lot of cynicism out there. This video is undoubtably charming. Beautifully executed. And suites the band perfectly - they are very deadpan performers and this is obviously how they chose to perform. It holds the eye for the entire duration and whilst many video's lose my interest, this video kept me intriguid the whole way through. Fantastic piece of work.
this video is fucking amazing!! if the track were better this would be a classic.
thx sauze, brilliant clip!