Jenny Wilson-Let My Shoes Lead me Forward Dir:Andreas Nilsson, Johannes Nyholm

I've been a fan of Jenny every since her "Summertime" video was posted.This just happens to be my favorite song of her's.
very nice stop trick clip.
Nice clip, yeah, and her album is sooo nice. I love her.
i love this.
great great fun!
has anyone else seen the video of jenny wilson & robyn carlsson covering saul williams' "list of demands" on a swedish music show?
i wish i was that cute singing saul williams.
another stop motion video. but you know what? they've almost all been awesome. this was fun, cute, and distinct. This has a billion times more soul than any green screen video - they all do.
So who's got the non-mtv link to the new Death Cab video?
I'm getting so tired of this stop-motion video trend with shoe laces and clothes lying around.
Dude I can't even get a link to Ace's Crooked Teeth video. Stupid Windows Media Player. Stupid MTV.
I'm with you CaptainMarc22: stop motion is just so much more vibrant than green screen. And I would go as far as saying that it's more vibrant and beautiful than CGI too. I miss it in films. Like I miss Matte Paintings. Hand made stuff with paint and wires and nails and lights and rolls of films.
Matte paintings and models are still in heavy use... they're just a hell of a lot better than before, and good compositing techniques can mask them well. Just ask Peter Jackson ;)
I think this video treads a fine line between genius and an unispired student stop-motion experiment. Some bits like when shes walking through the different pairs of shoes, or being proppelled by a vapour trail of shoes are fantastic, but I didn't care for the performance bits or some of the 'lines of shoes whizzing all over the floor' bits that reminded me of that Oliver Gondry Vines video, only not as good.
On the other hand I'd rather watch this than the usual CGI stuff.
computers suck!
hakai- wtf was that? other than superb counterpoint: stop-motion can be as flat and uninspired as any cgi. its rarity relative to cgi today means the people who do it are more likely to put lotsa love in.
and anyway what if you hand make the greenscreen?
the vid: the best sparks are with the uncanny lip (non)synch and the jerky dancing. plus that moment when all the shoes are floating and the end with the crossed/forced perspective?!? but a lot of the "shoes going CRRRAAZZY on the floor" bits just make me think of nickelodeon station announcements i.e. cute but snoring.
i think i'm kinda tired of the way stop motion is being used lately. i don't want to diss the video, because it's better than a lot of drivel out there. but it is nothing spectacular.
hakai - what was that video you linked to? it's awesome.
seeeee computers dont suck! its all about how u use the tool. im not saying i use it all that well but most stop animation these days is using a digital camera thats connected to a computer so u can see frames using an union skin which is awesome to me. i think computers are just a tool. blah blah blah. that animation i posted was a great example of cgi being used with the right way. fuck if everyone had the schedules to do eveything old school then i wouldnt mind doing some myself. but we live in a fast paced society and computers are the fucking devil. im not drunk. but this LCD screen is giving me a headache...
Clearly a rip-off of Levi's Plan B video.
no doubt...because Levi invented stop motion.
very nice ref at the end to these beautiful 3d optical illusion room paintings by Felice Varini.