Death Cab for Cutie "Crooked Teeth", Ace Norton

Ready.. Set.. Judge!
Partizan MOV - QT Partizan Player - Ace quote roundup
I really dislike this video, the computer (flash-esk) animation and the stop-motion dont mix well, is it supposed to be a homage to the peter gabriel sledge hammer video, ice heads, changing shirts, faces of candy/vegitables on and on..
I agree - the organic stuff is really great - but the after effects zooms and moves really take away from it.
It's well done, but it doesn't add much to Sledgehammer for me. Sledgehammer is from a pre CGI era, so this could never have the same impact.
promotions touting it as the sledgehammer of our generation really damns it at least the nerdish*. recall that sledgehammer was a collaboration between multiple sui generis artists (aardman? the brothers motherfucking quay???)
if ace norton outdid or even matched sledgehammer, esp. with only a day to shoot, i would straight-up have to hunt him down and kill him. looking at it alone, i think it's pretty great (and i'm not even a big DCfC fan...)
(*positive, self-inclusive sense)
Otaku...I was talking about this with my girl. Both videos are good/great. But I must say that Robs was done for way less money right? But I think Ace did an amazing job. I saw this before it was done too. You know most of it was blue screen ;)
Progosk mentioned earlier that Mew's two videos felt over-commissioned, and that's what I'd say about this. The song doesn't feel like it deserves something this energetic and with this many ideas. Maybe a bland performance video is what it needed? Looking forward to Rob's though for a different take..
i think it had a good deal of interesting elements. enough to keep me interested. i thing the graphics were not done in a repetitive manner which i feel alot of videos like this tend to reuse the same material over and over leading to repetition.
cool but no quite sledgehammer. maybe it shouldnt have been so a direct hommage.whats up with all the stop motion come back? I think adria petty does the best of this kind of work.
charming, fun, bursting with clever ideas and a joy to watch. Shame the band & song are so middle of road. They didnt deserve a video of this calibre.
... with the charming aesthetic of a collage made for high school english class!
this is fucking lame y'all
this video is like something anyone would have made in 8th grade. it sucks and there is nothing original here. Everyone mentions sledgehammer.. ace prolly doesn't even know what th efuck yur talking about. after reading up, I even found out HE had someone else do the ANIMATION for him. Geez!
This is a very lame video. I saw it at the Res monthly event in LA and there was a Q&A afterwards with the director. I kept quiet but I was so close to ask him what is the difference between a rip-off and an homage? True is that Sledgehammer is my favorite video too, but I don't see the point of ripping it. If people are so lame to do so, then they should do a better version, but that one is not even worth 10% of the original. At least Gondry has the talent to get inspired bu some obscure shorts and know how to digest them to come with his own style... Shame on those people who call 'it' an homage.