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Van She "Kelly" , Dir. Family.

Brand new video for Modular Records hyped new signing Van She again directed by UK / Australian directing collective Family.

There are short and long versions of this video running on MTV featuring cute interviews with all the real "Kelly's" featured. I think there is a link on the linked page showing an excerpt from the interviews that are in the long version.

Anyone whos got the long version please post it!

Innocent Teenage Love Cuteness!


cricketpictures, February 18, 2006 at 6:07:12 PM CET

the style reminded me of mike mills's short fantasy "Architecture of Reassurance". I love the composition & natural film look of it!!

progosk, February 19, 2006 at 12:27:28 AM CET

two words: larry clark.

funtoosh, February 19, 2006 at 1:39:34 AM CET

yep, very much reminiscent of larry clark, or virgin suicides, respectively. i really had difficulties enjoying the video though because i just couldn't make myself like the band ...

owlzyk, February 19, 2006 at 2:09:24 AM CET

I thought the song was good in that 80's meets the killers / bravery kinda way. pretty harmless fun pop song. video looked really cute.

lusk81, February 19, 2006 at 2:10:49 AM CET

No no no guys, I think cricket said it best with the mills reference. It lacks the perversion of clark and/or the milieu of coppola's bow. Cotton candy sweet.

familiar, February 19, 2006 at 2:17:01 AM CET

Dear Modular Records: There is some awesome talent in Australia and New Zealand, musically. Why must you keep giving us the electro equivalent of Jet (contrived, fashionable, and gone tomorrow), over and over? Oh that's right... sales.

pops, February 19, 2006 at 2:42:57 AM CET

another Mills "parody"...

owlzyk, February 19, 2006 at 3:16:38 AM CET

The only relationship this has with Mills is that its set in teenage suburbia. Calling this a parody is like calling 'thumbsucker' a parody of 'virgin suicides' just because of the suburban art direction.

I wasnt aware that Mills or Coppola owned the rights to suburban art direction? Wait a minute maybe The Directors Bureau collectively own the rights to the suburban look. Shit that means Larry Clark and Tod Solondz are truly fucked...

What is with people on this site constantly feeling the need when writing to constantly reference and align clips to previous clips and films etc, its all so very boring constantly namedropping Gondry, Coppola, Mills yawn yawn yawn. Be original with what you write guys...

funtoosh, February 19, 2006 at 3:24:39 AM CET

owlzyk, i was just looking for references, no harm intended. if there are references in a video - and in most videos, in most movies there will be - why not point them out? there s nothing wrong with not reinventing the genre every time, neither did coppola or gondry (ok, maybe gondry did, but let s pretend he didn't, just for the sake of the argument ;-)

dec, February 19, 2006 at 4:05:12 AM CET

owlzyk, Let's face it everyone likes to see something never seen before especially in todays age where originallity is becoming harder and harder, it seems the next best thing is appropriation or innovation. So isn't that the point of the forum to judge the videos and give possible influences, everyone takes influence wheteher concious or not. I remember writing art essays in high school and the main theme was always "compare and contrast" so thats all people are doing not name dropping like they no them personally or something.

pops the clip does have a mills feel with the locked off static shots ala air all i need, but its not a parody, a paraody imitates with a comical effect, I didn't find the video funny, a little boring though bland idea.

I saw this band on friday night supporting expatriate and I thought thay were pretty tight until expatriate played and blew them out of the water, amazing!

too bad expatriate don't have the right "look" at the moment for a big shoot like this.

ps not hating on Van she but that sound is becoming over rated fast

progosk, February 19, 2006 at 8:41:50 AM CET

lusk: precisely. (what i meant was: if only...)

pops, February 19, 2006 at 11:03:38 AM CET

owlzyk/dec, when I say another parody, I also refer to their last video posted below of "all i need", a most obvious parody, and this is just in a similar vein; of being derivative, although there is nothing wrong with that but the cuteness in this to me at least, seems like a parody of above mentioned works. I'm glad people compare and reference on this antville site as it shows knowledge, otherwise things like this would be labeled as "original"; as opposed to a kind of paint by numbers.

owlzyk, February 19, 2006 at 1:20:12 PM CET

cool pops. well agree to disagree here, i thought this clip was nicely done especially after reading on the modular records site that the budget was 10k us$. This blows out of the water the majority of clips of this budget. It again is better than so much shit posted on this site. Just look at the last few days postings....

I agree its usefull when required to compare and reference, however regarding 'parody' i believe that using suburban locations and teenagers does not make it a parody. That is a very obvious suggestion... Just because you see worn suburban interiors and teenage girls you think errr coppola....

The fact of the matter is that both coppola and mills didnt originate that look, they also as a progression borrowed from elsewhere, there are a number of photographers & directors who they both have totally lifted from....

larry clark, tod solondz, hal hartly, lynch Kids, happiness, storytelling, unbelievable truth, twin peaks, the list could go on and on

The evolution of filmaking partly comes from works being inspired by things made previously, that is a both interesting and natural progession...

look at michel gondry, many will agree he is totally original however many many of his clips and films have blatantly and totally lifted many techniques and ideas from the likes of jaques tati, this doesnt make his clips a 'parody' it is just a document of time

enough said, good discussion, enough already.

okapisafari, February 20, 2006 at 12:54:58 AM CET

"The evolution of filmaking partly comes from works being inspired by things made previously, that is a both interesting and natural progession..."

Look at this (avi):

Michel Gondrys "Human Behaviour" is a ripp-off of Yuri Norsteins gorgeous trick-film "Hedgehog In The Fog" (Yozhik v tumane)!!!!! ;-)


dec, February 20, 2006 at 12:55:59 AM CET

Don't mean to be anal but parody is the wrong word here as this isn't duplicated to OBVIOUS comic effect ala "all he needs". but some may take it to be funny, either way i agree with you pops in the sense that it was largely taken from mills and coppola, they probably used those as reference.

Owlzyk, it is a quality clip but lacks a special essence to make it great, and $10 000 u.s. goes a bit further in oz so I am not giving them credit for the budget.

glennyg, February 20, 2006 at 2:17:37 AM CET

Familiar, who should we be checking out? We're pretty happy with our roster but are always up for suggestions and new shit.... glen. modular.

lusk81, February 20, 2006 at 2:55:34 AM CET

OKAP: Where did you find that clip? Do you have more or know of more? I'm somewhat of a fanatic of slavic cinema and have been trying to find children's stuff for some time. The closest thing I've found was mosfilm's the steamroller and the violin (brilliant film btw). So much has been either destroyed or confiscated.

It took me years to even find some of Wadja's earlier stuff.

Please post more links if you have them.

And I dont know if you're into eisenstein, but I found a recut version of his 'destroyed' Bezhin Medow. Unbelievable.

familiar, February 20, 2006 at 4:21:51 AM CET

Glenn -- First pick: If you were able to give The Shocking Pinks distribution outside of NZ/Australia, that would make at least some of us in the rest of the world very happy. (Also: Minimum Chips)

electron, February 20, 2006 at 11:07:22 AM CET

does this band perform like this? or are they meant to look like wooden statues.

okapisafari, February 20, 2006 at 12:30:26 PM CET


I was grown up in Kazakstan and with russian "multfilm". So I have seen some animation of Yuri Norstein in the TV programm....But I´m not an expert.

After I moved with my family to Germany I was flashed by Disney cartoons and have forgotten the russian. Now it´s like a journey in my childhood, when I watch this cartoons. Every animation and every song recovers burried memories.

I found the hedgehog-file on a russian web-site....And I think it´s the only file on this site.

But I know there ist a russian DVD (and MPEG 4 CD) distributed by

with the most important animations of Yuri Norstein. Furthermore you can find "Maters Of Russian Animation" DVD´s on E-Bay. And sometimes there are some good russian DVD´s in russian shops.

And here is a catlogue of Soyuz Multfilm

Bezih Medow? Never heard before....Could die to see.....

kevathens, February 20, 2006 at 4:34:08 PM CET

Geek note: A sysop (Kris said he's the only one nowadays) just deleted progosk's, okapi's, my comments about okapi dropping him a line. Alas, it had comedy!!

progosk, February 20, 2006 at 4:36:14 PM CET

hmm. (but then, did it really?)

kevathens, February 20, 2006 at 4:37:19 PM CET

You bastard!!

cliff_greene, February 20, 2006 at 8:50:27 PM CET

I remember before I was member of antville I figured all you guys were too critical,now that I'm signed on I find myself constantyl bashing videos.hmm...anyways,I don't like this video,I don't get it,I don't see why I should want to watch it.What's its hook:teenagers kissing? I don't know.And I really dislike the song.It's got an 80's vibe to it,and I love the 80's but this is not the kind of 80's music I approve of.It's incredibly bland.Besides,I can't stand the way the singer pronounces "Kelly".It's like "Kelleh" and it makes me sick.

gwan, February 20, 2006 at 11:08:13 PM CET

Yuri Norstein, Andrei Khrzhanovsky, Walerian Borowczyk are my mentors.

nodirection, February 21, 2006 at 12:37:36 AM CET

this video annoyed the hell out of me, i'm getting really tired of the sensitive hipster boy bands. this video has no originality, it seemed so cliche. i was almost insulted at the lack of creative effort that went into this.

vidbot, February 21, 2006 at 1:24:03 AM CET

Party at modular! Yay !

Dress code Skater cap 80's theme short sleeve T Tight jeans Expensive sneakers

Leave original thoughts at the door

okapisafari, February 21, 2006 at 1:55:50 AM CET

gwan: The influence of Norstein on your own work is obvious. I have discoverd your site few minutes ago. In particular i love the "Boring/Beautiful no.2"

and "Evening Tendrills"

animations. Respect!

Where or when it is possible to see the shorts in full length?

owlzyk, February 21, 2006 at 12:01:33 PM CET

Yuri Norstein, Andrei Khrzhanovsky, Walerian Borowczyk. wow that is one great list for mentors! respect gwen

i think it would be great if all the critical bitchy geeks above post some of their superior creative efforts on here, we would all love to view them!

especially those bedroom bandits.... cliff greene vidbot

and the creative messiah himself: no direction

such intelligence has rarely been surpassed on this site

owlzyk, February 21, 2006 at 12:07:06 PM CET

sorry guys, i have to take that back....

all here please click on cliff greenes name above

what a talented 'artist' and 'photographer; he is!!!!

after viewing that site full of oh so 'beautiful' 'art'

we should all certainly be taking your critical responses

most seriously, its hard to believe such talent exists cliff

cliff_greene, February 21, 2006 at 10:44:57 PM CET

I know nothing about music videos or after effects or anything.And I'd never claim that I could make a better video than any that are posted on this page.I only compare what I see to other directors and their work.I state my opinions,I rarely say a video is "bad".I just say that I don't happen to like it.

vidbot, February 22, 2006 at 1:52:30 AM CET

Leer, drool, lurch groan My most humble apologies for breaking post protocol oh knowledgeable one. Belch, yurt, simper


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