Death Cab for Cutie "I will follow you into the dark"

one-taker by Monkmus - for Directions
glory be! I found a real MOV here! Also: streamov until Feb 27
oh these death cab videos are getting worse- I LOVE that song as well.
um.....nice pictures?
who commissioned these vids?
Yo mama!
Whats up with the smog lingering? I am going to have to think about it for a mintue.
monkmus won't animate for less than $20K. 5 grand will get you a bunch of still pictures.
the wavy fog felt like an afterthought.
i ♥ this. my girly and i just totally made out. xoxoxoxoxo
i have to say, this is probably my favourite of the videos so far. feels like the others have been crippled by the budgets, but this is so simple that it's all in the concept & the man hours. sure, a little bit of animation would have been nice, but as captainmarc notes...
the fog looks like an attempt to make the whole thing seem a little more alive. my guess is that it felt too static without it.
I liked this a lot. You're all heartless! I'm gonna show my girl so we can make out afterwards too.
I like sketchbooks in general. A pleasing video to look at. I thought they would try to get more out of the before/after desk.
i think this is beautiful, and definately my favourite of the songs so far. had the drawings only told the 'story' of the two rabbits, it might have been more effective...the other drawings there confused it a bit for me, but whatever...
Okay... after some though: I was extremely relieved the pages didn't "come alive" or become frames for video. I like the bunny story, i think it could be much more effective without the book interface,
How many videos with the book interface where released this year? (Hint: like count the jelly beans in the jar)
what? this didn't make any sense. completely average and boring.
only the rabbit tale would have been pretty saccharine, i think. i liked the various other artist's renderings mixed in - it fit with the meta-approach. though the ambient dapple (looked a little like rain on the overhead skylight) was fairly pretty, it was just stuck on top... (also: if you're going to change intro and outro desk, then, as najork says, make something of it)
not a particularly memorable vid. i still love monkmus, though.
5K is, in terms of producing animation, chump change and this is pretty good all things considered. Damn those rabbits for making me cry again.
bet monkmus is a Cute Overload fan.
This video was excellent. The point of putting the other stories, like with the child and his grandfather, was to show that the song doesn't have to be about lovers, and it can be about platonic relationships. Death affects all bonds.