I dig the way this video uses the song as diagetic sound. At some points I felt a little like..Okay, this guy would clearly rather be doing feature films and is kinda shafting the band and the song...but then I remember that it's Patrick Daughters, and I dig it again.
The technical aspect of the camera movement is awesome, and once again the cinematography is crystal clear, not sure about the audio effect of "being there" just feels akward, as a promo it fails to serve as a comercial for the song, i feel like the song is back ground music in the scene.
PD rocks- I've written treatments like this but he can get away with it- good work.
"...but he can get away with it" "..but then I remember that it's Patrick Daughters"
I think that if this was directed by a no-name it would be in the gutter.
true dat....but I think you have to know the rules to be able to break them, and he's proven that he can do a more than solid vid already.
one minute in I was ready to write it off as a piece of film school wank but then I kept watching and watching and watching. Perhaps it was just the camera work and the image quality, it felt like it was going somewhere, just teetering on the brink of saying something but then backing off at the last minute. Still very nice break from the standard performance video, Not sure about the "ring a Rosie" mosh pit though.
diegetic technique reminded me of the glazer/ashcroft clip for "song for the lovers." but since that was in a hotel room and this is a concert, that one wins. also, the glazer clip used the various degrees of sound to add suspense. here, it's much more of a gimmick. not to say it's a bad video, beautiful to watch but not much past that. and that circle pit was weak.
I enjoyed it a lot. It was fun to watch. I liked the way Daughters played with my sense of the space. Too much hatin going on at the 'ville...
wow. that looked great. that was shot in Warsaw, in brooklyn, great choice!
yeah, awesome shit. but I also don't understand the circle pit thing. Can anyone explain? there was about to be a fight and then they all start doing the ring? I'm obviously missing something...
This is so good. Not just technically perfect, either. Best thing I've see this year so far.
that is so effortlessly excellent (yea, yeah, except the circle pit which i don't get either) i'm not even going to start going into it. hot damn.
quell the hatering, 'villeans...
Im with the Terri Timely folks. It simply was entertaining and well executed. Truth is these sorts of treatments aren't easily sold nor are they easily made. Some interesting points made about diagetic sound. In many ways it does focus the experience to be less of a conventional music video and more cinematic. Is that bad? I don't think so.
BTW The Exit video is beautiful..Terri
soooo nice. big ups.
I just have to say again after having slept on it and watched it again that this is one of the best videos I've ever seen.
Im in like with it...
Nice work. Definitely see the progression from the Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs "Maps" video to this one. I really like the spacing of the crowd. It's just like when I go to a show for a small band. Everybody tries not to get too close to each other. Brillant! As for the circle pit. I do it all the time:)
I like the video more today, i love when the circle starts after the fight.
I noticed the seems this time though, the big one is right after it goes back stage, before it go back into the crown a group of people walk by and...swap.
Now that i think about it reminds me of David La Chapelle - Norah Jones: Those Sweet Words, but in brooklyn
sweet vid for a sweet song by a sweet band. the subtle or lack of emphasis on the band (and the song) are very fitting for the machines.
the circle mosh has the feel of a roller rink. i could totally go for a secret machines roller rink show right about now.
i get what y'all are saying about cinematography and such. it was nicely done. but it bored me to tears. i don't think it's quite enough to be an awesome video. it goes nowhere, it does nothing for me. following people in a bar is nothing revolutionary, i do it every day.
The video seems, in part, to be commenting on NYC rawk audiences. Everyone is standing there until some guy (who eventually get kicked out) wakes them up into having a little fun.
just brilliant