Prefuse 73; The End of Biters - International; dir: Aleix Pitarch

pretty hard to find, so if you like it share it.

artist: prefuse 73 trackname: the end of biters - international director: aleix pitarch rapidshare.dethe_end_of_biters__lite.avi.html
Was that an official vid? Very good treatment for a very good song.
seriously beautiful stuff. thx for posting.
thankyou thankyou!!!
that was so rad, a keeper, got any more prefuse clips
Prefuse clip by the same director posted a few days ago.
Didn't grab me. But this, on the other hand...
i don't understand why these 2 vids hav not surfaced sooner...
i got the other one, downloadable: rapidshare.dehide_ya_face-reminder_version.avi.html
that was really impressive!! cheers
hoooray for this!
check for fullscreen pleasure
see also :
Delightful n impressive! Though it does put me in mind ov "Zudo" the evil 80's "Telebug"
NOOOOO it's not of rapidshare anymore... anyone else got a good quality version of this?
downloadable... ...if you have a vimeo account.