Beyonce - Crazy in Love f/ Jigga - Directed by Jake Nava

This video is certainly nothing special in the realm of cutting edge-ness but it is a masterpiece of execution. Jake Nava, making the jump to American "Big Leagues" of music video, also gets points for convincing Miss Knowles (and her Mama) to drop the "Beauty Pagent Contestant on her off-day" wardrobe Beyonce had worn in Destiny's Child in favor of a more youthful, fashion conscious style. Hot song and a hot video.
Here is the video on YouTube and here is the treatment.
This doesn't have any wacky in camera technique ripped from an obscure animator like Svankmajer. Dont waste your time posting something like this here. It will be hated on, chewed up and spit out by these "Gondry" lovers.
who is this guy? How/why would someone become kevathens' nemesis? Out of all the antvillers; he's one of the most civil; not to mention all the work he's put into this site and videoville.
this is almost as bad as that dude who had it in for otaku-house a while back....
veggieburger, you're jousting at the wrong windmill. throw in the hanky, for your own sake.
Did Gondry murder this guy's family or something? Geez, if you aren't a fan of in-camera effects and progressive video directors, that's fine, we get the point.
re: the video - i believe the term for this is mannerist. mind you, they now count michelangelo among the mannerists...
great video but not Jakes best - check out Battleflag from the Lo Fidelity Allstars. Its a cracker
Hey Vegans, someone sounds like they need a big hug.
Come here.
You wanna talk about something.
I'm a great listener.
Sometimes people just need to, you know, talk.
folks, whbt. read all about veggieburgers.
I love this video. One of my all time favorites. Maybe it's because I love the song, and/or because I love watching beyonce writhe around. Jake Nava makes things look good. There's not much more to it than that. It just looks really fucking good.