The next in the directions series.

Breathtaking...amazing...wonderful. Beautiful. The only video so far in this series that deserved to have a death cab song on it. Actually...easily the best thing that Death Cab has ever done, video a country mile. Surprised the hell out of me, as more and more, their aesthetic in their videos has been ruining the music for me.
So I'm gonna go have cheap breakfast at the shitty diner by myself and cry now...
photography: triple-wow (lighting/coloring/camerawork) - supertight; ending: thanx for it (that was pretty harrowing); story: not sure whether this is any less stereotyped than sam brown's similarly estheticised couple.
nice to see briet living up to his potential...
j'aime beaucoup! very powerful, beautifully done, get's me.
ouch! a punch in the stomach. i like.
very painful. it definitely a different kind of video that laurent briet have done.
this was beautifully done. Good idea; very well done.
Anyone care to translate? Or is it not necessary to the story?
At the end w/ her leg: paint or blood? Or bleeding paint?
Some of the dude's acting after "Who's Gonna Watch You Die?" felt a little too overkill. But the girl was really good throughout.
yes, the use of french in here is somewhat eccentric (and damn hard to read, unless u can pause & repeat!), a bit trop nouvelle vagueish, but thats what we like over here, don't we …
if my bad french does not fail me, it says, in chronologocal order:
on the mirror: "il m'aime" — he loves me … on her hand: "un peu" — … just a little bit? painted on the wall: "beaucoup" — … a lot? on her arm: "passionément" — … passionately? cut into her leg: "a la folie" — … unto madness? on the mirror, she adds: "il m'aime … pas du tout" — he does not love me at all.
return to top.
shot beautifully and believable actors. great video. one of the only ones i like in this series.
the french portion of the video is the french equivalent to the game "loves me, loves me not"
Being far less binary than its english conterpart, the french one offererd more to play with. The progression of the frustration leading to insanity was far more gradual and intense.
We thought the above is very easy to figure out on your own. This is why the subbtitles were never added. Honestly we also thought that the fan would get a kick out of solving this very simple transaltion. But never underestimate the all mighty power of a bag of cheetos.
This is an extremely well shot and well edited video, but come on people, maybe you've been watching too many music videos, but if you also care about short film, then you must see that this is not an intelligently expressed story. Good acting, of a sort, by model-type couple, forced to strike clichéd poses. Shallow writing, in another language, which makes it easier to swallow. Great cinematography and on point editing, but don't we expect more than just craft? (ps I'm stoned, but that don't mean I'm wrong)
is this a critic you directed to yourself ? about the fact that you are inapt in that piece you promote online to do to something that is nothing but :
"This is an extremely well shot and well edited video" "but don't we expect more than just craft?"
Cause there is about 10 commercials out there for cars, shampoo, ... that achieve telling a story that you seemed incapable to come close to using this exact techinic and craft.
lay off the pipe, get off the couch, show us what you can really do and come back.
Strange. I only understand french well enough to get by, and I didn't find anything about the writing to be hard to read -- and I definitely didn't find it shallow. (A la folie should not a literal translation as far as I know, although the exact colloquial meaning in this case, I'm not sure of).
je vous aime à la folie - i love you madly; louie armstrong docet.
Superb!! Wonderfully told!!
At the beginning I was hoping she would write "Sugar Water" but, uh, I'm glad she didn't.
i do like the video, still … when watching it for the second or third time, the idea seems slightly shallow, the gestures aimed too high, the actors, as jared said, a little bit too model-type. it would like to be french cinema, but it s not.
it s great when watched once, but does not last.
what i very much appreciate though is the attempt not to tell yet another superficial music video story. more of that, please!
"This was shot, unbelievably enough, on the Sony HDR-FX1."
Amazing. Extensive must be an understatement...
This is a response to Simonscott’s post.
The piece I “promote” (sounds like I expect to make a buck off it) online is a non-narrative student experimental short. There is no story in “Stairwell” nor do I try to tell one. This Death Cab for Cutie video is a professional narrative music video. It is about the changes in a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend. I don’t think that the Death Cab video is a well-expressed narrative. My short, is not a narrative, it is all image, sound, and edit. The fact that you try to flip my critique back onto my own work is misleading. The way we critique a narrative film is different that the way we critique a non-narrative film.
You then go on to imply that in order to earn the right to critique a music video we have to “get off the couch” and start making music video ourselves. This is also bogus, many posters on this sight are not filmmakers, and their points of view are just as valid as anyone else’s. You are right about me, I am not a professional, I’m a student, and I only have one film currently posted online. While a professional music video producer is working on his next video, I’m writing a paper on Russian constructivism. Despite this, I have made a bunch more shorts, but haven’t yet gotten a chance to get them onto the Internet. My friend should be hosting a short documentary I made soon, so Simonscott, you will finally have a chance to watch some more of my work. Until then, feel free to read my children’s stories.
Hope you like them,