Antville Repost Post - Unsung Videos

What's your favorite unsung video posted on antville before 2005?
A lot of us came to antville in 2005, and we've missed a lot of good videos. After joining, antville introduced me to this Knife video, which is now one of my faves of 2003. What video begs for another look? Post your choice here. It's a slow week.

Koop - Baby (D'Malicious Remix) - Dir. Potemkin
how about the yeah yeah yeahs video for "Pin"?

I found this to be one of the more creative pop promos in recent memory. Do believe it surfaced at the tail end of 2004/begin of 2005 but I may be wrong.
It's bold and interestingly sharp. It conjures up the same types of feelings I have toward romanek's work.
Kelly Osbourne - One Word - Dir. Chris Applebaum
Broken Social Scene - Pitter Patter Goes My Heart - Dir. David Shafei & Saul Levitz
I don't think this was ever posted on here, but it is from either 2002 or 2003. It plays sort of like an extension of Broken Social Scene's "Lover's Spit" video.
The September 2004 link for The Knife - Pass This On doesn't seem to work (Access Forbidden). Can anyone post a working link? I can't find this video anywhere...
forgetme: won't open in a browser window, but downloads fine.