Jeremy Warmsley "Dirty Blue Jeans", dir. Ben Rollason

nice minimalist trickery from antville's own ben r.
mov here
(full credits @ 'boards)
Very cool - evocative is the right word there. Reminds me of Whale "Four Big Speakers" fwiw.
I see you were editor and effects guy on this, Ben. How long did it take, and what software, if you care to reveal?
One of my favorite videos so far this year...
this takes the gusgus intuition to the next level. love it. kudos, ben! (huge gusgus here.)
Really excellent video and I'm guessing a very clever use of a small budget.
Awesome video. I'm curious, can anyone describe some of the techniques used in this? Especially the blur effects where some of the motions in the frame are blurred but others aren't.
OTC: Looks to me like a clever mix of still frame backgrounds and composited footage in some parts, but I'm sure Ben (the director) could answer that question more accurately :)
yep!.. nice work..
I'm guessing someone put the cannon 30D through it's paces, locked shots, multi plates and then comp'd them together in afx.. combination of different exposures and some afx filters.
but that's me guessing..
does anyone know why i can't download the movie to my desktop? i have quicktime pro.
mine download died 3/4 of the way through as well..
Click>SAVE AS worked fine on my Mac w/Firefox.
you can always let itunes get it for you by subscribing to the antcast.
The backdrops are stills, but it's all shot with a moving camera. Scenes were filmed for several minutes, with actors posing still. Unbalanced poses are supported by ropes, boxes, sticks, inflatable air mattresses and so on.(which you can see in the shots). The point was to see genuine physical pain and uncontrolled muscular spasm as the 'stills' collapse.
The post process was simply to speed the footage up by varying degrees (up to 20x) and then blend frames together to create a time continuum within each frame, (sometimes as many as 700 frames per frame). The blurring is real motion blur. Sometimes the actors held a pose, save for one limb which they continually moved back and forth. In the finished shot they appear static, but the limb is a blur.
As the footage speed increases and the frame blending reduces, the movement reveals itself.
FX tool: After Effects. Budget £5K.
PS if you're having trouble.
deep links QT 7 hi QT 7 lo Win media hi Win media lo
Ben ...beautiful job ... definitely one of the more unique vids ive seen in a while. Im just curious what sort of cam you used cause it looks magnificent. Cheers!
You should give a workshop to the 'DIRECTIONS' directors and call it 'How to make a kick ass video with a low budget...and as a bonus have it relate to the song'.....and u could charge 5K.
very, very cool. awesome!
(glayvin: £5k is twice as much money as $5k, fwiw)
know what, ben? that explanation (much as it is appreciated) is an unexpectedly powerful spoiler... now i really wish i hadn't read it.
It's always with some reservation that I expose the gizzards, but you did ask for it! Are you recommending 'delete for mystique'?
who'm i to say...
That was beautiful work, Ben.