Casiotone for the Painfully Alone "The Subway Home" dir./anim. David Enos and Paul Stepahin
lo-fi gouache cut-out melancholy
unpausable mov here
You mean Casiotone for the Painfully Alone? Young Shields is the name of the single off his new album.
oh - right. there's another dogma/experimental one for "young shields" here, shot by rubbishfilms following these guidelines: 1 . All footage must be taken from nine different shots, each 2 minutes 59 seconds in length. 2. Each shot must be taken from a different location. 3. All footage must be shot outdoors, using only available, artificial light. 4. No script, no actors. Any persons appearing in the video must be strangers to you. 5. No stationary shots. The camera must constantly be in motion, but without zooms. 6 . No special effects, titles, or any sort of post-production treatments can be made to the images. 7. All audio must come from a single, on-location microphone. 8. All audio must be cut to match the image, without any other audio source. hence, the song must be broadcast wherever you are filming and recorded as part of the environment. 9. The video must run for the exact length of the song.
CFTPA is one of my favourite artists and I like the visuals, but I think that this song is a poor choice for a video.
Owen Ashworth's lyrics tell some great stories with good details, but this isn't one of them. The video suffers because of that.
I could really this style working, at a quicker pace, with a 'Scatter Pearls' or 'Bobby Malone Moves Home.'
"unpausable"! like ot a lot, such an apt combination of lo-fi music and super-watercolors.
of course, this only works when viewed at least that large - you must see all the details. beautiful!