The Flaming Lips "The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song" Dir: Traktor

and najork pointed to mpeg links on their site, HI & LO. Kill their bandwidth!
wow they're not fucking around. At first it just felt weird for the sake of it then it got pretty good. Still I feel like the fat guys should have unleashed the cops, the way to cops unleashed the werewolf (ya know, an eye for an eye type theme)....
On the Traktor scale, I'd place this above "Plug it In" & "Baby's Got a Temper" but below "Ya Mama" and "Where's Your Head At." Maybe a tie w/ "Love Story" - has anyone seen that video? It's pretty awesome.
this is proof that a half baked idea is better than no idea at all. I love the very end, where everyone lives happily together.
nice werewolf.
loved it. great concept
I applaud them for trying to do something different. I didn't really think it was all that successful though. Kinda half baked. "Where's you head at" was a seminal video. But this is the same shit, different day. Expensive werewolf though. Traktor's style is so played out by now (that's what happen when you have 8 guys doing the same thing constantly for 8 years straight). Enough already, change it up fellows.
Traktor's been around for much longer than 8 years. They were already winning awards in 1994.
And although I'm not certain, I don't think there's 8 guys as of now. I know a lot of the core members have fallen off to do other things.
It's got to be so weird to be a part of a directing collective that shoots, scores, edits, and thinks of projects exactly the same way - every time. Has to be rather exhausting in its uncreativity.
Supposedly when you hire them only 2 show up to set, and you never know which 2. But 'those 2' will give you the traktor stamp. Boring and boring.
Traktor are nice people to post large MPGs on their site. Try not to kill their bandwidth.
HI (48megs)
whatever - track's fun, the video's got lots of funstuff in it too. sure, it reduces it all to a couple of sociopolitical quickstabs, but it was wild enough to keep me watching. ending's a bit of a let-down though. (no idea what this cost, but it feels like great production value, no matter.) the three fat guys reminded me of the dailies from gilliam's don quixote.
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