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Benny Benassi - Who's Your Daddy

Just when you thought Benny Benassi couldn't top the hotness of his other video "Satisfaction", this new one rocks. (and, it's the censored version!)

turk, April 4, 2006 at 8:00:50 AM CEST

I like the one in the panties with the big tits!

captainmarc22, April 4, 2006 at 8:10:47 AM CEST

Check out the Gazongas!

It's funny, I don't think I could argue why this is so inferior to Lord Dougal's "Satisfaction." If you can't see it, then you'll never see it.

noood, April 4, 2006 at 11:25:27 AM CEST


gant, April 4, 2006 at 11:37:30 AM CEST

direct link:

vidbot, April 4, 2006 at 11:43:06 AM CEST

sniff sniff What’s that smell? What’s that flickering orange glow on the horizon?

oh god no!


benroll, April 4, 2006 at 1:40:19 PM CEST

I like the homage to 70s porn film posters and I find it graphically good.

However, it smacks of Benny Benassi trying to revisit Satisfaction and ultimately this lacks the satire and the cheeky irony that made Satisfaction more than just gratuitous.

Although I suspect Satisfaction's runaway mainstream success was due more to the girls than knowing post-modernism.

nofare, April 4, 2006 at 3:45:46 PM CEST

I agree, it's not as cool as "Satisfaction." It's darker too ... with the screaming (not necessarily bad). Besides the use of 70s porn film iconography, there's also a lot from Pulp magazines of the 60s -- for instance, the "Hot Brunch" shot is a direct rip from one of those magazine's covers.

najork, April 4, 2006 at 5:04:00 PM CEST

The graphics are okay, but they are meant to be secondary. The HD here just isn't comparable to the photography and grading in Satisfaction. I'm sure that is not the sort of reaction the label is concerned about.

Anyone know who made this?

otaku-house, April 4, 2006 at 7:57:26 PM CEST
  1. Anyone seen H Williams' Gold Digger for Kanye West? It's the PG13 version of this.

  1. I realize now I have been making videos all wrong.

trompe le monde, April 21, 2006 at 11:26:21 AM CEST

I think is a great video. The director is Kalimera, the same who made the first official Satisfaction's video (not the Dougal Wlison's version)


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