The Zutons "Why Won't You Give Me Your Love?", dir. Scott Lyon

sharks&jets redux
mov here.
(via temp-robotwisdom)
Go, Scott, go. Time to pore thru his videography..
If you look it up, you'll find out that all of those ppl are in the Zutons.. They're kinda like the P-Spree in that way
There are only five Zutons, the rest are the Cuban national ballet company. it's time to play spot the scousers.
What a great video, this and the FF, along with that Kaiser Chief vid one have now propelled him into my top 4 fave directors. What an accolade eh! Can't believe that chief in the keisers claimed to have directed that video himself.
the vidophobe LOVES this one! Excellent. Vidophobe once thought to do this herself, a vid based upon the opening scene from west side story.
I have to agree with vidophobe this video is nothing short of prodigious!
This was really great. Engaging the whole way through.
track's very mediocre, and the direction was just a little too much homage to really warrant gushing. but lighting location art direction and choreography were spot on. i loved the bit where they just walk away from the instruments (had me thinking: oh no! performance coming up! clever, that.)