Wolf Parade "Modern World", dir. Adam Bizanski

more indie puppeteering.
mov here.
(via del.icio.us/inkandmarrow)
why repost?
that was excellent. We've been on stop motion overload recently but that did great justice to a great song - good mix of using the band, the theme, etc. And a storyline with a clever ending. Wow, a good Sub Pop video, go figure.
I'm 99% sure it's the guy who did the Shins "Pink Bullets" video, Adam Bizanski. He's probably got one of the most amazing director websites I've seen - takes a bit to find everything, though.
great great great. yeah, it was bizanski.
go adambiz!! This guy has so much patience, he should go into politics once he's tired of making music videos. that was great!
Love it! :)
Adam Bizanski is a great director. I loved the machine-powered band. Beautiful.
itsall: where/when was this already posted?
so much goodness in this. some of their performance bits look so natural you'd think he shot them live and then recreated the scene painstakingly. the story's wonderfully self-deprecating, and perfectly told. the band-contraption is funny but spooky at the same time. and the factory-worker choreography? chapeau, adambiz. (april's looking good, so far.)
Excellent - I thought the same thing about the performance bits.
Miss Cleo says Adam's reel will keep getting better. In a fair world these good videos we see here would get real airplay on MTV/2 (MTV used to rotate even Kate Bush as recent as 1993!).
Thanks guys, it's really great to hear! ..Slightly better quality in this torrent file, if anyone is interested.
Hell yes... Thanks for the torrent, Adam. I was seriously worried about what video this band would end up with... All laid to rest now. Absolutely amazing. Am I right you did this on ones? How long did it take you? And did you light it? It has such beautiful lighting; which I feel some people overlook in stop motion.
Really Great! At first, didn't like seeing the band play but loved how that segued into the 'modern world' finale.
The only thing I didn't like was when members of the band started singing. It looked a little odd since their mouths looked as if they were sewn shut or something. But that's a minor grievance and it may have been intentional/unavoidable. Overall, it was outstanding.
Yes this is really great! Good job Adam!
Thanks again all! I did shoot on ones..It took me about five months to complete this one, lighting included (ikea generic lamps + some improvised dimmers).
Here's the version posted by adambiz, recompressed to fit the file size limit.
Seeing the higher quality version... Man, this is so damn good. I love how you even animated those floating camera moves. Only April and this is one of my favorites of the year, definitely. I bet Dan loves it.
Really nice video. There seems to be so much half hearted stop motion these days it was so nice to see some skilled puppetry work. The precision and thoughtfulness with which you were able to recreate human movement was very compelling.
Link broke - here it is
MVWIRE interview:
adambiz #1 on ifilm. luv it - ultraprops!
modern world mov cuz it broke again
poetry and beauty...love it