Tiga "Far From Home" (Dir: Nagi Noda)

Excellent. Crap WMV streaming at the moment, but it should be up at Partizan any day now. Right?
excellent? with only one flighty idea (so slight they felt they had to spell it out at the end), i found track&video seriously weak. what a disappointment.
Well, I'm going to watch it more, but I'm afraid it isn't going to work out well.
Ambitious and creative, but it doesn't fit the track very well. This may be a better fit for a Japanese audience, it's important to note, I think. Still, it feels like a repackaging of Sentimental Journey, and this song didn't call for something so languid.
Insult to injury: He's kinda doing a cheesier version of Ric Ocasek walking on water..
Excellent, yeah. I agree that, individually, the parts are rather week... I just find the package very pleasing. Whatever.
try this one kids:
Tiga/Nagi Noda - I just had the good fortune of watching this on TV: It's actually not as bad as I orignially thought. The TV lets you feel the expansiveness of the set, which gives it a nice human touch. Although it borders on creative repetition (and boredom), I really enjoy Nagi's ambition and creativity here, although it's a step down from Yuki.
Not a bad video. Pretty good.