The View From the Afternoon - Arctic Monkeys (Director: W.I.Z.)

Now, the whole premise of this video is that this guy is playing the drums out in public. Actually, it's a video that is very original (I think) and different from any other music video out there today, just like their previous video, When the Sun Goes Down (Scummy Man). It's a great video for a great band.
here's a different version of the video that has dialogue in it:
Bully for doing such a non-commercial video for such a hyped band. Nice one. Who directed?
What the band wasnt available.
pretty fascinating minor epic. (no "pizza" is good pizza.)
Gutted - it won't play. My version of QuickTime's throwing toys out of the pram. Any other urls?
I haven't watched this, but it should be W.I.Z. at Factory Films. (They don't have it posted there yet btw)
It is indeed W.I.Z.
Nice Video. Its Quicktime7. can play QT7 files, without quicktime7 installed. (Very nice) QT7 = Crap! imho.
well shot, great video.
beautifully paced. the chip throwing and the ending are superb
Pretty good... certainly the most engaging video I've seen this year. However, the gritty, suburban, housing estate, concrete jungle, working class hero, blah, blah, blah... is a little cliched. looks great though.
Cool video, yet another one with out the band init i dont think they like being on camera, dont like the music but the video was cool
if i didn't know it was the arctic monkeys or WIZ, and somebody said watch this video i doubt i would have made it to the end.
hugely disappointing.
Alan: I probably would have done the same, but I still think it's a really good video. W.I.Z. sometimes requires a lot of patience from his viewers, and he sure does that here, but it pays off if you sit and let it take you there.
The rounded edges alone are neat, if just for their novelty - perhaps someday we can stop watching TV/films that are boxed.
From Factory Films...

This is such a weird place.
what's the word for this, recursion?
we shall soon be sucking our own whatevers.
I just fear that somehow they're going to find a way to take this place over. They always do.
progosk: I'd call it a "simple regression". Methinks time-space should be safe, at least until the release of the next movie of Michel Gondry... But you never can tell.

uncle milton's already registered the name. whatever must we stand for next...?
'However, the gritty, suburban, housing estate, concrete jungle, working class hero, blah, blah, blah... is a little cliched. looks great though.'
My thoughts exactly.
This is a fantastic piece. I love how these young un's even armed with their attendant hype have even somehow managed to continually make interesting videos. Really terrific piece, kudos to the director and crew. Along with this and Patrick's 'Lightning Blue Eyes' more videos like this in general would be good
It may be funny, and don't let it go to your heads, but a reader is just as important as a writer to a text, as they say. We post on antville and care because we do want reactions.
Just not bitter ones.
The dialogue is from Tony Richardson's working-class angry-young-man movie The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner.
Fantastic video. It's up there with the classic, epic type of art. To me, it is a modern version of Lord Shiva (the wild dancer and drummer of creation and destruction - in order to create, not to hurt) and his devotee (the little Indian girl) who serves and maintains him (milk is used in Hindu ritual as one of the offerings), and the aggressors (corrupt officialdom, for example) who kill, always kill the true and the good and the godly.
wow. fascinating reading. obtusy, take note!
Who is that guy in the video?! Surely not Matt Helders?? If it isn't then why did they get an actor?
one of the most powerful MVs i've seen in a while.